
Example repo for tox testing various frameworks

Primary LanguagePython



Experiment with various Python testing frameworks

  • unit testing
    • unittest w/ nose2
    • pytest
  • static testing / linting
    • flake8
    • pylint
    • mypy

Control execution with tox


# run all tests
$ tox

# run all py37 unittests
$ tox -e py37-unittest

# run all py37 pytests
$ tox -e py37-pytest

# run pylint on pkg and tests
$ tox -e pylint

# run pylint on specific file
$ tox -e pylint tests/pytest/test_func.py

# run py37 and pylint, only
$ tox -e py37,pylint


  • increase complexity of tests
    • unit testing
      • add fixtures
      • add config .inis
    • static testing / linting
  • support single function execution
  • run tests inside docker
  • setup within TravisCI

Sphinx Resources: