
Postgres historic performance reports

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This extension for PostgreSQL helps you to find out most resource intensive activities in your PostgreSQL databases.


This extension is based on statistics views of PostgreSQL and contrib extension pg_stat_statements. It is written in pure pl/pgsql and doesn't need any external libraries or software, but PostgreSQL database itself, and a cron-like tool performing periodic tasks. Initially developed and tested on PostgreSQL 9.6, and may be incompatible with earlier releases.

Historic repository will be created in your database by this extension. This repository will hold statistics "snapshots" for your postgres clusters. Snapshot is taken by calling snapshot() function. PostgreSQL doesn't have any job-like engine, so you'll need to use cron.

Periodic snapshots can help you finding most resource intensive activities in the past. Suppose, you were reported performance degradation several hours ago. Resolving such issue, you can build a report between two snapshots bounding performance issue period to see load profile of your database. It's worse using a monitoring tool such as Zabbix to know exact time when performance issues was happening.

You can take an explicit snapshot before running any batch processing, and after it will be done.

Any time you make a snapshot, pg_stat_statements_reset() will be called, ensuring you will not loose statements due to reaching pg_stat_statements.max. Also, report will contain section, informing you if captured statements count in any snapshot reaches 90% of pg_stat_statements.max.

pg_profile, installed in one cluster is able to collect statistics from other clusters, called nodes. You just need to define some nodes, providing names and connection strings and make sure connection can be established to all databases of all nodes. Now you can track statistics on your standbys from master, or from any other node. Once extension is installed, a local node is automatically created - this is a node for cluster where pg_profile resides.


Although pg_profile is usually installed in the target cluster, it also can collect performance data from other clusters. Hence, we have prerequisites for pg_profile database, and for nodes.

pg_profile database prerequisites

pg_profile extension depends on extensions plpgsql and dblink.

Nodes prerequisites

The only mandatory requirement for node cluster is the ability to connect from pg_profile database using provided node connection string. All other requirements are optional, but they can improve completeness of gathered statistics.

Consider setting following Statistics Collector parameters:

track_activities = on
track_counts = on
track_io_timing = on
track_functions = all/pl

If you need statement statistics in reports, then database, mentioned in node connection string must have pg_stat_statements extension configured. Set pg_stat_statements parameters to meet your needs (see PostgreSQL documentation):

  • pg_stat_statements.max - low setting for this parameter may cause some statements statistics to be wiped out before snapshot is taken. Report will warn you if your pg_stat_statements.max is seems to be undersized.
  • pg_stat_statements.track = 'top' - all value will affect accuracy of %Total fields for statements-related sections of report.


Step 1 Installation of extension files

  • Copy files of extension (pg_profile*) to PostgreSQL extensions location, which is
# cp pg_profile* `pg_config --sharedir`/extension

Just make sure you are using appropriate pg_config.

Step 2 Creating extensions

The most easy way is to install everything in public schema of a database:

postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION dblink;
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_profile;

If you want to install pg_profile in other schema, just create it, and install extension in that schema:

postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION dblink;
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;
postgres=# CREATE SCHEMA profile;
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_profile SCHEMA profile;

All objects will be created in schema, defined by SCHEMA clause. Installation in dedicated schema is the recommended way - the extension will create its own tables, views, sequences and functions. It is a good idea to keep them separate. If you do not want to specify schema qualifier when using module, consider changing search_path setting.

Step 3 Update to new version

New versions of pg_profile will contain all necessary to update from any previous one. So, in case of update you will only need to install extension files (see Step 1) and update the extension, like this:

postgres=# ALTER EXTENSION pg_profile UPDATE;

All your historic data will remain unchanged if possible.

Building and installing pg_profile

You will need postgresql development packages to build pg_profile.

sudo make USE_PGXS=y install && make USE_PGXS=y installcheck

If you only need to get sql-script for manual creation of pg_profile objects - it may be useful in case of RDS installation, do

make USE_PGXS=y sqlfile

Now you can use pg_profile--{version}.sql as sql script to create pg_profile objects. Such installation will lack extension benefits of PostgreSQL, but you can install it without server file system access.

Please, read full documentation in doc/pg_profile.md