
A small curses program for visually finding & removing large, unwanted files

Primary LanguageC++

   ____ |  |   ____ _____    ____  __ __ _____  
  / ___\|  |  / __ \\__  \  /    \|  |  \  __ \ 
 (  \___|  |_(  ___/ / __ \|   |  \  |  /  |_) )
  \_____|____/\___  (_____/|___|\_/____/|   __/ 
   by Daniel Lubarov daniel@lubarov.com |__|   

Cleanup is small curses program for visually finding and removing large,
unwanted files. The control are simple:
    - use the arrow keys to navigate
    - hit enter to go into a directory
    - type 'd' to delete a file or directory (not implemented)
    - type 'q' to quit

- Delete node
- Refresh