
Azure IoT connector to feed connected devices telemetry to Apache Cassandra

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Azure IoTHub to Cassandra connector

Azure IoTHub to Cassandra is a connector that allows to transfer data in real time, from Azure IoT Hub to Apache Cassandra. Every message sent from a device connected to Azure IoT Hub, is automatically copied into one or more Cassandra tables.

Azure IoT Hub is a service used to connect thousands to millions of devices to the Azure cloud. Each device can send telemetry and receive messages and commands from the cloud.

Apache Cassandra is a highly scalable, fault tolerant, open source database, providing high availability and replication across datacenters. The database is organized in keyspaces and tables.

IoTHub to Cassandra uses a reactive stream, with asynchronous back pressure to transfer IoT messages. Messages can be filtered and mapped to multiple keyspaces and tables. New tables can be added through the configuration, or at runtime using the included web service.

How to test the connector in 5 minutes

  1. Install Docker
  2. Create an Azure IoT Hub
  3. Download docker-compose.yaml
  4. Download and edit setup-env-vars.sh (or setup-env-vars.bat on Windows) storing your hub connection settings
  5. Run setup-env-vars.sh (or setup-env-vars.bat on Windows)
  6. Run docker-compose up

The last command will download the Docker image publicly available [on Docker Hub] (https://hub.docker.com/r/toketi/iothub-to-cassandra) and start the connector, logging events on the console.

You should have now 2 containers running. Cassandra tables can be queried on port 9042, and IoTHub2Cassandra has a web service listening on port 9000.


  1. Simulate messages sent to your Azure IoT Hub
  2. See the messages flowing to Cassandra:
docker exec -it toketiiothubtocassandra_cassandra_1 cqlsh -C -e \
    'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mykeyspace.full_log'

To change the configuration used by Docker Compose, you can edit docker_compose_config_demo.conf, which is referenced in docker-compose.yaml.

Running the connector

Before running the service, make sure to prepare

  1. an Azure IoT Hub from which to read the data. We recommend to store the settings in environment variables, editing and executing setup-env-vars.sh (or setup-env-vars.bat on Windows).
  2. a configuration file with the information to connect to Azure IoT Hub and Cassandra (the configuration file included in the repository references the environment variables set in the previous step).

The following Azure IoT Hub documentation will help creating the hub and find the connection settings:

Running the service as a Docker container

For a quick test we suggest to use Docker Compose, which takes care of starting an instance of Apache Cassandra. Just download docker-compose.yaml to your workstation and (from the same folder) run:

docker-compose up 

This will automatically

  1. start Cassandra
  2. start IoT Hub to Cassandra service
  3. connect to your Azure IoT hub
  4. start streaming messages (depending on the configured tables)

If you prefer storing events in a different Cassandra instance, you can start the Docker image publicly available on Docker Hub, running the following command. Note the need for a configuration file, you can use the one in the repository (see the docs folder for examples).

docker run -it -v $(pwd)/docs:/config -e CONFIG_FILE=/config/application_config_sample.conf \
   -p 9000:9000 toketi/iothub-to-cassandra


The following is a minimal configuration file example. Note how values can be replaced with the ${?XYZ} syntax, which allows to retrieve values from the environment (e.g. to avoid visible passwords).

iothub {
  hubName        = my-iothub-one
  hubEndpoint    = sb://iothub-ns-myioth-75186-9fb862f912.servicebus.windows.net/
  hubPartitions  = 4
  accessPolicy   = service
  accessKey      = ${?IOTHUB_ACCESS_KEY}
  accessHostName = my-iothub-one.azure-devices.net

cassandra {
  cluster = "localhost"

http {
  interface = ""
  port      = 9000

iothub2cassandra {
  configTable: "tables"
  configKeyspace: "azureiothub2cassandra"

A more interesting configuration is available here, with other settings and comments describing their use case. Here's a comprehensive list:

Setting Description Example
akka.loglevel Logging level DEBUG
cassandra.cluster Cluster to connect
iothub2cassandra.http.interface Web service IP
iothub2cassandra.http.port Web service port 9000
iothub2cassandra.configTable Table where to store the list of tables to populate tables
iothub2cassandra.configKeyspace Keyspace where to store the service configuration azureiothub2cassandra
iothub2cassandra.tables Optional list of tables to populate array, see this sample
iothub.hubPartitions Number of partition in your Azure IoT Hub 4
iothub.hubName Event Hub-compatible name my-iothub-one
iothub.hubEndpoint Event Hub-compatible endpoint sb://iothub-ns-myioth-75186-9fb862f912.servicebus.windows.net/
iothub.accessPolicy Access policy to use service
iothub.accessKey Access policy secret key 6XdRSFB9H61f+N3uOdBJiKwzeqbZUj1K//T2jFyewN4=
iothub.accessHostName Access policy HostName my-iothub-one.azure-devices.net

IoT Hub to Cassandra is built upon the Azure IoTHubReact library, which have some extra configuration settings. For a complete description, please see
IoT Hub React reference file included in its repository.

Setting Description
iothub.* Connection details to connect to Azure IoT Hub
iothub-stream.* Streaming details, e.g. batch size and timeout
iothub-checkpointing.* Checkpointing details, i.e. how to keep the current stream position in case of restart

Defining the Cassandra tables

IoT Hub to Cassandra allows to stream telemetry to different tables, with different schemas, filtering data, and extracting data from telemetry (in JSON format).

Tables can be added in two different ways:

  1. through the configuration file
  2. through the included web service

A table specification allows to:

  1. Specify where to write the data
  2. The schema of each table, i.e. the column name, the clustering and partitioning keys
  3. How to map values from the incoming telemetry to the table columns
  4. Optional filters, e.g. to filter messages by message type and/or device ID

Tables added in the configuration file

Multiple tables can be added in the configuration file. These tables will be created as soon as the service starts, and the service will immediately start populating them, reading the telemetry stream from Azure IoT Hub.

Here's an example of two distinct tables. The first will contain a copy of all the incoming messages. The second table instead, will contain only "temperature" messages, extracting the temperature value.

Note: in the second table, the source payload must be in JSON format, and the message type must be set by the device (adding a "$$messageType" custom property).

  tables: [
      "table":    "full_log",
      "keyspace": "mykeyspace",
      "columns": [
        {"name": "messageType", "type": "text",      "source": "MessageType", "key": "Partition"},
        {"name": "id",          "type": "text",      "source": "MessageId",   "key": "Partition"},
        {"name": "time",        "type": "timestamp", "source": "Received",    "key": "Clustering"},
        {"name": "device",      "type": "text",      "source": "DeviceId",    "key": "Clustering"},
        {"name": "content",     "type": "text",      "source": "Content"}
      "table":       "livingRoomTemperature",
      "keyspace":    "mykeyspace",
      "contentType": "json",
      "filters": {
        "messageType": "temperature",
        "deviceId": "livingRoom"
      "columns": [
        {"name": "time",   "type": "timestamp", "source": "Received", "key": "Partition"},
        {"name": "device", "type": "text",      "source": "DeviceId", "key": "Partition"},
        {"name": "value",  "type": "double",    "source": "Content",  "sourcePath": "value"}

In the docs folder you can find multiple examples, showing how to define partition keys, clustering keys, columns types, filters, and how to extract values from the messages payload.

Adding tables using the web service

The list of tables, and how to write the incoming telemetry into these tables, is stored in a configuration table in Cassandra, so you can for example restart and re-deploy the service without losing this information.

Adding new tables through the configuration file requires to deploy and restart the service, which is not always possible or desired. IoTHub to Cassandra includes a web service that allows to add new table configurations at runtime, without the need to restart.

The syntax used by the web service is equivalent to the one used in the configuration file seen above. In fact, you can copy and paste a table definition, from the configuration file to the webservice, and viceversa.

Here's an example of how to add the same full_log table seen above, using the web service:

Add full_log table

Web service request:

POST http://<host>:9000/api/tables
Content-Type: application/json

  "table":    "full_log",
  "keyspace": "mykeyspace",
  "columns": [
    {"name": "messageType", "type": "text",      "source": "MessageType", "key": "Partition"},
    {"name": "id",          "type": "text",      "source": "MessageId",   "key": "Partition"},
    {"name": "time",        "type": "timestamp", "source": "Received",    "key": "Clustering"},
    {"name": "device",      "type": "text",      "source": "DeviceId",    "key": "Clustering"},
    {"name": "content",     "type": "text",      "source": "Content"}


200 OK

Other web service methods

The web service provides also methods to list the configured tables, to start/stop/restart the streaming, and to check the service health status.

Get a list of all the tables

GET http://<host>:9000/api/tables

Start/Stop/Restart the streaming

POST http://<host>:9000/api/streaming/start

POST http://<host>:9000/api/streaming/stop

POST http://<host>:9000/api/streaming/restart

Check service status

GET http://<host>:9000/status

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