
A userscript to insert citations from Zotero into ShareLaTeX as you write

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Please take a pick from one of the active forks, which may work with current versions of Overleaf: https://github.com/dlukes/zotero-sharelatex-cayw/forks

Zotero ShareLaTeX Cite-as-you-Write

This userscript leverages the Better BibTeX Zotero extension in order to make it possible to insert citations into ShareLaTeX documents via the Zotero popup.


You need a userscript manager for your web browser of choice, e.g. GreaseMonkey or TamperMonkey are popular browser extensions that serve this purpose. Once you've installed it, add this userscript (refer to the documentation of your userscript manager for information on how to do this).

After you've added the script, you'll probably want to configure the following things:

  • set @match in the userscript to match the URL of your ShareLaTex server
  • go through the TODOs in the code and customize at will based on the provided guidelines


The userscript provides two additional keyboard shortcuts when using ShareLaTeX, which are by default:

  • Ctrl+. -- calls up the Zotero popup, allows you to put together a citation, and inserts it into the document
  • Ctrl+Shift+. -- inserts a Zotero collection exported as a Bib(La)TeX bibliography database into the document. This is intended as an easy way to update your ShareLaTeX .bib file after you've made edits to the bibliography in Zotero.

It determines the Zotero collection to generate your bibliography from by searching your .bib file for a collection declaration in the following format:

% -*- zotero-sharelatex-cayw-collection: <library-number>/<collection-name>.<format> -*-

E.g. the following will generate a biblatex bibliography for a collection named NLP within your private Zotero library (0):

% -*- zotero-sharelatex-cayw-collection: 0/NLP.biblatex -*-

To figure out the identifier for a collection, right-click on the collection in Zotero, select Download Better BibTeX export, and inspect the generated URLs.

If no collection declaration is provided, it will ask whether to export your entire personal library, which can take a while if there are many items and the export is not cached.

Cf. https://retorque.re/zotero-better-bibtex/push-and-pull/ for more information.