Installation and running

Install Dart 3 for your operating system, using instructions provided in the official documentation.

Run application with dart run command in the repository root. Application takes data directly from STDIN, first line must be size of Mars give as two integers separated by a space. Next two lines are the Mars Lander location and instructions. First provide its starting point and orientation as two integers (X and Y coordinates), followed up by cardinal direction for orientation (one of "N", "E", "S", "W"). Next line is a string of lander instructions "L" or "R" for turning left or right and "F" for moving forward. Confirm entered data by pressing enter. Add more landers by repeating above steps. To finish and run simulations press enter twice after last lander configuration.

Example input and output can be found in test/mars_lander_test.dart.


Run all tests with dart test command.