
Database version control process template for JAVA Spring framework

Primary LanguageJava

Setup MySQL using Docker

This can be done by following this tutorial by pulling the 5.6.44 version of mysql.


  1. run docker pull mysql:5.6.44 to download the mysql image.
  2. run docker run --name mysqldb --restart unless-stopped -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysql -p 3306:3306 -d mysql:5.6.44 to run your local mysql server at port 3306.
  3. run docker ps -a to check if your mysql server is up.
  4. run docker exec -it mysqldb mysql -u root -p to login into your local mysql server using your root account.
  5. Once logged in, run create database liquibasetest; to create a database in your local mysql server.
  6. run show databases; to make sure you have liquibasetest database created.

Test Changes Locally Before Making Commit

  1. run docker start mysqldb to ensure your local mysql server is running.
  2. At home directory, run mvn liquibase:tag -Dliquibase.tag=initial to create a liquibase tag.
  3. run mvn liquibase:update to execute all changesets.
  4. run mvn liquibase:rollback -Dliquibase.rollbackTag=initial to revert all changesets.

Continuous Integration

  1. run docker start mysqldb to ensure your local mysql server is running.
  2. run this DemoApplication to start build via Spring Boot.