This repo has been forked to use the official Node:alpine container image.
To start the image in background (daemon mode):
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 arno0x0x/cryptpad-auto
You can then browse to the main page using http://your_server_name:3000/
You might also want to use a volume to store the encrypted data outside of the container in order to make it persistent accross container recycling:
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -v /path/to/datastore:/cryptpad/datastore arno0x0x/docker-cryptpad
Beware that by default the image is not reachable through HTTPS which is not secure. If you want (and you do want it) HTTPS, then when creating your container:
- Copy all SSL required files (key, certificate and CA cert chain) into the container - or - map a volume containing those files into your container (
-v /path/to_all_ssl_files:/path/to_files_in_container
) - Modify the config.js to point to these file as described on the cryptpad container, basically:
privKeyAndCertFiles: [