
Loan basket calculator

Primary LanguageC

This contains an implementation to calculate the optimum set of loans
given a comma-delimited input file of loans and loan sets in the following 

loan id, loan amount, set id, set minimum, set maximum


The program should be invoked as:

build_loan_sets.rb -i <input file>

For example:

build_loan_sets.rb -i loan-basket-01.csv

and will generate a file loan-based-01.out.csv containing the allocations.


If there are more loans than sets (the usual case), then the
columns for loan sets should be empty; e.g.,


If there are more sets than loans, then the CSV columns should just
be blank, e.g.:



README - this file
build_loan_sets.rb - the program
sample.rb - a sample script using the NP API
test.rb - a set of tests
extconf.rb - an internal program to build the NP API
mulknap.c - the underlying knapsack algorithm solution code
np.c - the bridge code between Ruby and mulknap.c
loan-basket-01.csv - a sample input dataset
loan-basket-01-out.csv - a sample output dataset


- on a Unix system that has Ruby installed, installation is simply:
   ruby extconf.rb

- on a Windows system, installation is essentially the same, but the
devkit package must be installed.  Somewhat detailed steps are:
1- install Ruby 1.8.7 to C:\Ruby (http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/72085/rubyinstaller-1.8.7-p302.exe)
2- install DevKit (http://rubyinstaller.org/add-ons/devkit/); note that
this will also need the 7-zip software: http://www.7-zip.org/
3- start a command shell
4- cd to the directory containing this file
5- run "ruby extconf.rb"
6- run "make"
7- you can then run "build_loan_sets.rb -i loan-basket-01.csv" to regenerate the sample output file.  If Windows complains that it cannot open the file build_loan_sets.rb, you can specify to use ruby in the invocation, i.e.,
  ruby build_loan_sets.rb -i loan-basket-01.csv