- Maintain a loading time of less than 2 seconds by identifying and eliminating bottlenecks, and measuring web page loading time daily.
- Maintain list of URLs of pages to test.
- launchd to run daily task that requests webpagetest for each url.
- Save results to a local mongo db.
- Create a useful graph to keep track of web page performance.
- Review graphs daily, prioritize development, alerts for any performance issues.
Page loading events -v2
- First Byte = "TTFB" - The time until the first byte of the base page is returned (after following any redirects)
- "titleTime" - title displays in the browser
- Start Render = "firstPaint" or "render" - first non-white content was painted to the screen
- Load Event Start = "loadEventStart" - browser reported time of the start of the load event from the W3C Navigation Timing
- Document Complete = "loadTime", "docTime" - The time until the onload event was fired (as measured by WebPagetest, not Navigation Timing)
- Fully Loaded - "fullyLoaded" - The time until network activity finished after the onload event (all assets loaded)
- Bytes In (Doc) = "bytesInDoc" - The number of bytes downloaded before the Document Complete time
- Requests (Doc) = "requestsDoc" - The number of http(s) requests before the Document Complete time
- "page" : -- "brand" : "Bedford + Bowery" -- "type" : "homepage" -- "url" : "http://bedfordandbowery.com/"
- https://sites.google.com/a/webpagetest.org/docs/advanced-features/raw-test-results
- "URL" : "http://bedfordandbowery.com/"
- "loadTime" : 22276
- "TTFB" : 1213
- "bytesOut" : 62898
- "bytesOutDoc" : 40282
- "bytesIn" : 1828058
- "bytesInDoc" : 1755478
- "connections" : 86
- "requests" : 128
- "requestsDoc" : 93
- "responses_200" : 111
- "responses_404" : 0
- "responses_other" : 9
- "result" : 99999
- "render" : 1987
- "fullyLoaded" : 23380
- "cached" : 0
- "docTime" : 22276
- "domTime" : 0
- "score_cache" : 29
- "score_cdn" : 34
- "score_gzip" : 100
- "score_cookies" : 82
- "score_keep-alive" : 95
- "score_minify" : 100
- "score_combine" : 0
- "score_compress" : 73
- "score_etags" : 55
- "gzip_total" : 947903
- "gzip_savings" : 0
- "minify_total" : 336065
- "minify_savings" : 0
- "image_total" : 846176
- "image_savings" : 220856
- "optimization_checked" : 1
- "aft" : 0
- "domElements" : 1430
- "pageSpeedVersion" : 1.12
- "title" : "Bedford + Bowery"
- "titleTime" : 1330
- "loadEventStart" : 22302
- "loadEventEnd" : 22394
- "domContentLoadedEventStart" : 3920
- "domContentLoadedEventEnd" : 4007
- "lastVisualChange" : 23009
- "browser_name" : "Internet Explorer"
- "browser_version" : "9.0.8112.16421"
- "server_count" : 1
- "server_rtt" : 37
- "adult_site" : 0
- "fixed_viewport" : -1
- "score_progressive_jpeg" : 17
- "firstPaint" : 1963
- "docCPUms" : 5538.036
- "fullyLoadedCPUms" : 6505.242
- "docCPUpct" : 25
- "fullyLoadedCPUpct" : 26
- "isResponsive" : -1
- "date" : 1390900677
- "SpeedIndexDT" : 9699
- "SpeedIndex" : 9699
- "VisuallyCompleteDT" : 23009
- "visualComplete" : 23009
- "renderDT" : 1993
- "effectiveBps" : 82467
- "effectiveBpsDoc" : 83344
- Install dependencies: mongodb and node.js.
- Clone this repo.
- npm install
- Obtain an appKey from webpagetest.org and save to /key.js
- sudo pmset repeat wakeorpoweron MTWRFSU 09:05:00
- pmset -g sched
- or you can do this in system settings > energy saver > schedule
Add mongo .plist file
- sudo nano /Library/LaunchAgents/org.mongodb.mongod.root.plist
- paste in:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
Add node app .plist file
- sudo nano /Library/LaunchAgents/com.webpagetest.performance.root.plist
- paste in:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
unload & load the launchd files (may need to repeat on hard restart)
- sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/org.mongodb.mongod.root.plist
- sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.webpagetest.performance.root.plist
- sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/org.mongodb.mongod.root.plist
- sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.webpagetest.performance.root.plist