
A minimalist gists blog theme for Hugo, inspired by Github.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Hugo Theme - Gists

A minimalist gists blog theme for Hugo, inspired by Github Gists.

Init hugo site

hugo new site mysite
cd mysite

Install the theme

git init
git submodule add https://github.com/dmachard/hugo-theme-gists.git themes/gists

Run in local

hugo server -D

Update the theme

If you just installed the theme, it is already in the latest version. If not, you can update using the below commands

cd themes/gists
git pull

Add new post

Hugo will create a post with draft: true, change it to false in order for it to show in the website.

hugo new posts/title_of_the_post.md

Pin post

pin: true