
Simple reST/wiki system

Primary LanguagePython

RstWiki - simple wiki/rst interface

bummer: proper "toc" support would be rad:

To provide a simple standalone Wiki interface to a directory of .rst (reStructuredText) files. These .rst files are the sources to a Sphinx documentation instance. The interface is a simple rst-rendering application with basic authentication and VCS integration.

  • python-ldap
  • git
  • sphinx
  • dojo, CodeGlass
  • edit wiki.conf (and global.conf if you wanna)
  • spin server
    • check rst tree
    • fetch or init rst tree
      • git? clone branch with r/w
      • svn? co url
    • templates automatically compile on server start
  • server:
    • cherrypy python web/wsgi server
    • applications or functions can be mounted arbitrarily in the url path tree
    • Default is root = DocServer and root.auth = AuthController, Modify in wiki.py
  • map http://us/a/b/c to $root/a/b/c.rst
    • handle root items as root/index (eg: http://us/foo means foo/index.rst)
    • view page:
      • render in html
      • determine auth
        • provide edit link
    • edit page:
      • file exists
        • check lock
          • expired: unlock file
          • valid: block editing
          • null
            • lock file
            • show edit interface
      • else
        • wants to create
          • touch file with boilerplate
          • lock file
          • show edit interface
        • abort
          • back to prev page?
          • unlock
    • handle POST:
      • determine appropriate .rst
      • check lock
        • valid: deny
        • null/expired: permit
          • save:
            • git? add/commit/push
            • svn? commit
            • local? nada
      • serve current .rst/path as GET would

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