
"Detecting Extrapolation with Local Ensembles" by David Madras, James Atwood, and Alex D'Amour

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Detecting Extrapolation with Local Ensembles

David Madras, James Atwood, Alex D'Amour

See local_ensembles_demo.ipynb for a demonstration of the method on a toy model. You can run similar code with python local_ensembles_demo.py to reproduce the experiments in the paper from "Visualizing Extrapolation Detection". (Fig 5.1a, b).

To run the local ensembles method on a pre-trained model, do the following:

  1. Set up a virtual environment with the dependencies in requirements.txt (see below).
  2. Choose a directory DIR and save a checkpoint of the pre-trained model in DIR/ckpts. You may have to change the model loading code in local_ensembles/load_model.py to suit your model structure.
  3. Save samples from the training, validation, in-distribution test, and OOD data sets DIR/tensors. Call the files {train, valid, test, ood}_{x, y}.npy.
  4. Choose a number of Lanczos iterations NUM_ITERS to run, and an interval PROJECTION_STEP denoting which values of m to calculate the extrapolation score for (if PROJECTION_STEP = 10, the score will be calculated for m = 1, 11, 21 ... NUM_ITERS)
  5. Run local_ensembles/run_local_ensembles_main.py as follows (for a regression model):
python local_ensembles/run_local_ensembles_main.py --expdir=DIR --num_lanczos_iterations=NUM_ITERS \
    --projection_step=PROJECTION_STEP --model_type=MLP_regressor --run_baselines=False

For a binary classification model, run:

python local_ensembles/run_local_ensembles_main.py --expdir=DIR --num_lanczos_iterations=NUM_ITERS \
    --projection_step=PROJECTION_STEP --model_type=CNN_classifier --run_baselines=False

For a multiclass classification model with N classes, run:

python local_ensembles/run_local_ensembles_main.py --expdir=DIR --num_lanczos_iterations=NUM_ITERS \
    --projection_step=PROJECTION_STEP --model_type=CNN_classifier --run_baselines=False \
    --use_prediction_gradient=False --n_labels=N

Note: this code is in TF-Eager. The model must be a TF model; using this code is straightforward if the model was trained using TF-Eager. If it was trained in Graph mode you may have to load it as an Eager model.

Setting up a virtual environment with pip

To create a virtual environment le for running this code, do the following (credit to Elliot Creager for these instructions):

mkdir ~/venv 
python3 -m venv ~/venv/le

where python3 points to python 3.6.X. Then

source ~/venv/le/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt