
ISC DHCP server module for Puppet

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Puppet Forge Build Status

DHCP module for Puppet

DHCP module for theforeman. Based on original DHCP module by ZLeslie, thanks to him for the original work.

Installs and manages a DHCP server.



  • Multiple subnet support
  • Host reservations
  • Secure dynamic DNS updates when combined with Bind
  • Failover support


Define the server and the zones it will be responsible for.

class { 'dhcp':
  dnsdomain    => [
  nameservers  => [''],
  interfaces   => ['eth0'],
  dnsupdatekey => "/etc/bind/keys.d/$ddnskeyname",
  require      => Bind::Key[ $ddnskeyname ],
  pxeserver    => '',
  pxefilename  => 'pxelinux.0',


Define the pool attributes

dhcp::pool{ 'ops.dc1.example.net':
  network => '',
  mask    => '',
  range   => '',
  gateway => '',

Override global attributes with pool specific

dhcp::pool{ 'ops.dc1.example.net':
  network     => '',
  mask        => '',
  range       => '',
  gateway     => '',
  nameservers => ['', ''],
  pxeserver   => '',

For the support of static routes (RFC3442):

dhcp::pool{ 'ops.dc1.example.net':
  network => '',
  mask    => '',
  range   => '',
  gateway => $gw,
  static_routes =>  [ { 'mask' => '32', 'network' => '', 'gateway' => $ip },
                      { 'mask' => '0',                                  'gateway' => $gw } ],


Create host reservations.

dhcp::host {
  'server1': mac => "00:50:56:00:00:01", ip => "";
  'server2': mac => "00:50:56:00:00:02", ip => "";
  'server3': mac => "00:50:56:00:00:03", ip => "";


Original authors:

Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Zach Leslie, Ben Hughes, Greg Sutcliffe, Foreman developers

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.