Symfony bundle to isolate your app's doctrine database tests and improve the test performance
- 6
Bug: Rollback doesn't work if `StaticDriver::isKeepStaticConnections()` return false
#308 opened by maidmaid - 2
Error bootstrap in PHPUnit Extension
#306 opened by yann-eugone - 2
Entity does not persists on $em->persist($enity){->flush()} inside test case.
#305 opened by sergey-belous - 0
Extra databases not created
#304 opened by greggailly - 1
How to handle multiple databases?
#303 opened by MaikL - 14
Transaction does not rollback when a client makes multiple requests in a WebTestCase
#208 opened by patrick-vandy - 3
How to check if a transaction has not been closed
#302 opened by gianiaz - 3
Possible regression from v8.0.2 to v8.1.0
#301 opened by SirTomme - 11
Not working on multiple connections
#284 opened by jmariller - 0
Leverage `priority` on `doctrine.middleware` tags?
#251 opened by dmaicher - 5
Impossible to leverage SQLite foreign key support
#299 opened by MatTheCat - 4
How to detect dama wrapper is active ?
#295 opened by Kytrix - 0
[Symfony 7.1] The `Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\Extension` class is considered internal since Symfony 7.1, to be deprecated in 8.1; use `Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Extension\Extension` instead.
#297 opened by ruudk - 13
- 10
Exception in third-party event subscriber: There is no active transaction
#290 opened by VincentLanglet - 7
Using PDO results in error
#287 opened by wnnawalaniec - 4
The transaction operation cannot be performed because there are pending requests working on this transaction.
#286 opened by mleko64 - 0
- 4
- 1
User Deprecated: Since symfony/serializer
#277 opened by frandzdy - 3
v8 breaks behat integration
#270 opened by aszenz - 1
This bundle relies on savepoints for nested database transactions. You need to enable "use_savepoints" on the Do ctrine DBAL config for connection "default".
#275 opened by abdounikarim - 2
v8 compiler pass fails due to use_savepoints value
#274 opened by jdevinemt - 2
Support Symfony 7
#271 opened by thejoelinux - 5
There is already an active transaction
#264 opened by dgarciaortiz94 - 4
PHPUnit 10
#242 opened by ruudk - 9
Is support for (releasing) savepoints required?
#252 opened by ddeboer - 8
Double rollback issue
#256 opened by luckyraul - 5
There is no active transaction
#216 opened by yanarowana123 - 0
Custom platform is ignored
#253 opened by dmaicher - 1
DBAL Deprecation: VersionAwarePlatformDriver
#250 opened by Chris53897 - 5
Deprecation: Subscribing to `postConnect` events is deprecated. Implement a middleware instead.
#248 opened by ruudk - 14
Exception "May not alter the nested transaction with savepoints behavior while a transaction is open."
#241 opened by nu111 - 1
The "DAMA\DoctrineTestBundle\Doctrine\DBAL\VersionAwarePlatformStaticDriver" class implements deprecated "Doctrine\DBAL\VersionAwarePlatformDriver"
#240 opened by steffenbrand - 7
DB is not empty between two test files
#223 opened by GlucNAc - 3
Deprecated VersionAwarePlatformStaticDriver class implements VersionAwarePlatformStaticDriver
#235 opened by fransweerts - 6
Support for PHP sub-processes
#233 opened by akserikawa - 3
Not clearing EntityManager
#226 opened by VirginiaPhoenix - 2
- 2
Does this work with Symfony Panther?
#218 opened by arderyp - 11
Not working (no rollback)
#217 opened by aless673 - 2
- 0
- 2
Impossible to update Doctrine dependencies
#209 opened by hhamon - 1
Remove deprecated interface ExceptionConverterDriver
#207 opened by NafaaAzaiez - 16
- 1
Support Symfony 6
#204 opened by vertx-one - 0
- 1
- 2