
Web that gathers information about the Rust community in the Czech Republic.

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Rust Czech community index

This repository contains the source data for the https://rustlang.cz website, which serves as an index of communities, events and other things related to the Rust language in the Czech Republic.


You can send a pull request to add new content. Data for the index is automatically generated from the following files:

  • data/communities.yaml - online communities and discussion forums
  • data/events.yaml - events related to Rust in the Czech Republic
  • data/education.yaml - Rust courses taught at universities
  • data/recordings.yaml - recordings of Rust content (e.g. from meetups and conferences)
  • data/trainings.yaml - Rust training offerings
  • data/companies.yaml - companies using Rust

Note that all added content should be relevant to Rust usage in the Czech Republic (or potentially also Slovakia), as this index is focused on the local Rust community.

Build instructions

  1. Install Zola
  2. (Optional) Build RSS feed
    $ cd rss
    $ cargo run -- --data-path ../data ../static/feed.xml 
  3. Run zola serve or zola build

Rust meetup guide

There is some documentation on running the Rust Prague meetup in the docs directory.