
An oh-my-zsh plugin for AZ CLI

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


An oh-my-zsh plugin for Az CLI


Current status: in development.

Aliases and other features will be added as I use new things.



Alias Command Description
azal az account list Get a list of subscriptions for the logged in account
azas az account set Set a subscription to be the current active subscription

Storage Account

Alias Command Description
azsal az storage account list List all storage accounts in a subscription
azsasw az storage account show Show storage account properties
azsact az storage account create Create a storage account
azsasgen az storage account generate-sas Generates a shared access signature for the account


Alias Command Description
azaksgc az aks get-credentials Get access credentials for a managed Kubernetes cluster (User)
azaksgca az aks get-credentials --admin Get access credentials for a managed Kubernetes cluster (Admin)
azaksl az aks list List managed Kubernetes clusters.
azaksnpl az aks nodepool list List node pools in the managed Kubernetes cluster.
azakssw az aks show Show the details for a managed Kubernetes cluster
azaksb az aks browse Show the dashboard for a Kubernetes cluster in a web browser



  • zsh
  • oh-my-zsh


  1. Clone to $ZSH_CUSTOM
    git clone https://github.com/dmakeienko/azcli.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/
  1. Add azcli to plugin list:
    plugins=(git **azcli** ...)
  1. Apply changes:
    source ~/.zshrc