
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting started

Get started by running these 4 commands:

  • Create a folder mkdir my.project
  • cd into it cd my.project
  • Clone the repo by running git clone https://github.quarry.com/Development/dm.ideal.landingpage.starter.git . (The dot at the end tells git not to generate a folder and just place the content in the folder it's in.)
  • Run npm i to install all dependencies

NPM Scripts

npm start

Runs the page in development mode. Wipes out anything already in the build folder and places the generated content there.

IMPORTANT: If you add new files, like an image for example, you will need to stop the server on the command line with ctrl + c and run npm start again to have those new files copied over.

npm run build

Builds the page for production deployment. Wipes out anything already in the build folder and places the generated content there. Similar to npm start but doesn't add the browser-sync javascript or start a server.


The idea of this is to give the bare minimum to get started with a modern (as of 2017) workflow. How you write your HTML/CSS/JS is up to you.


  • Uses Babel to transpile your code. Use the latest Javascript!
  • NPM install any package and import it in to your JS code.
  • Minifies code.

Make sure to import any code into the src/js/index.js file. Everything gets compiled into one file based on that file. If you need to add separate JS files you can add them from a CDN or see the 'Extra Files' section below. However, note that those files will not be minified and you won't be able to take advantage of any es2015 features.


  • Uses PostCSS to transpile your CSS code.
  • Uses the postcss-scss plugin to parse mixins as custom at-rules & variables as properties, so that PostCSS plugins can then transform SCSS source code alongside CSS.
  • SASS syntax with PreCSS, used with the parser mentioned above.
  • Autoprefixer adds vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from Can I Use. It is recommended by Google and used in Twitter and Taobao.
  • @import other files as well as NPM packages
  • Comes with CSS Reset and CSS Normalize. Keep them or comment one or both out.
  • Uses the Lost Grid for the grid system. This works great with PostCSS. Make sure to read the docs to get started. Allows completely custom grids for each section.
  • Minifies code

Make sure to @import any other CSS into the src/styles/main.css file. Everything gets compiled into one file based on that file.

For CSS syntax highlighting in Atom use this package.


Directly copies over what you have in /src/index.html to /build/index.html. When you're developing it will add some JS in the <head> to give some extra convenience features.


Directly copies over what you have in /src/images/** to /build/images/**. Make sure to restart the server when adding new ones if you already have it running.


Store any PDF's or whatever here. Directly copies over what you have in /src/assets/** to /build/assets/**. Make sure to restart the server when adding new ones if you already have it running.

Dev Server

After running npm start browser-sync will start up. In your command line you will get access URLs that look something like this:

[Browsersync] Access URLs:
       Local: http://localhost:3000
          UI: http://localhost:3001
 UI External:

This is a test server that will give us a few things like auto refresh, syncing screens across devices and things like grid overlays. You can access browser-syncs options by going to the UI URL.

The External links will only work within the wifi network you're connected to.


Need a favicon? Go here.

Extra files

Need to add an extra file or 2 that's in the root? Just add this line new CopyPlugin([{from: './src/NAME.OF.FILE', to: './' }]), to the webpack.config.js file where the other new CopyPlugin... lines are.

Need to copy over a custom folder? Just add this line new CopyPlugin([{ context: './src/NAME.OF.FOLDER', from: '**/*', to:'./NAME.OF.FOLDER' }]), to the webpack.config.js file where the other new CopyPlugin... lines are.