
A drush plugin that acts as a Drupal User Agent, for interacting with Drupal style websites, via authentication and form sumbissions.

Primary LanguagePHP

Drush Drupal User

A User agent for authenticating and interacting with a Drupal Site.

Uses cookies to create a persistent session between drush actions.

Supports TFA authentication (drupal.org) 2016

Different profiles for different sites can be configured. These profiles may be stored locally by adding them to you drushrc.


drush du-login --uri=https://drupal.org --username=AzureDiamond --password=hunter2
drush du-login --uri=https://drupal.org --username=AzureDiamond --password=hunter2 --tfa=543211
drush du-info
drush du-get-page /user --format=json
drush du-logout

(Use drush help to find more about the options)


Persistent login. After authenticating once, a session cookie is retained. This is expected to make subsequent web requests work immediately. Web requests that require authentication should check for authentication status and automatically log in if they can.


It doesn't do much useful yet, the actual actions: interacting with the issue Queue etc, are still to come.

The "DrupalUser" component is site-agnostic, so does not contain any actions that are specific to any one website. It should be extended to create a site-specific user agent that contains site-specific utility actions.


It's originally intended for use with Drupal.org itself, and other reasonably standard Drupal sites. It has some assumptions about the way Drupal works embedded in it. It's really expected to just be a d.o-specific client, but incidentally applies pretty well to other sites as well.

I'm not sure how volatile this is with regards to version requirements of drush. It was developed with drush8 in mind, but actually runs OK on drush 6.

Unusually for drush, this is a PSR-4 style object, with most of the logic packed into an object and using the Goutte Client on the Symfony BrowserKit


To avoid having to enter credentials or connection details all the time, it's recommended to place the commonly needed options in your drushrc.php file like so:

$ DrupalUser web client settings.
# If you want to be able to connect to many sites, use this keyed array.
# Usage: drush du-info site=d7
$options['du-sites'] = array(
  '@d.o' => array(
    'uri'      => 'https://www.drupal.org',
    'username' => 'AzureDiamond',
    'password' => 'hunter2',
    'content_selector' => '#content',
  '@d7' => array(
    'uri'      => 'http://dev.drupal7.dd:8083',
    'username' => 'admin',
    'password' => 'demopass',
# Optional: Set the default site to use every time.
# $options['du-default-site'] = '@d.o';

Site Options

url: required

username: required if doing logins

password : required if doing logins

content_selector : DOM identifier for extracting the 'content' of a page when scraping. This is often theme-specific. EG body > div[@class='main'] Default: #content,


Built with parts inspired by or scrounged from Drush Issue Queue Commands and the Drupal Test Suite harness. However, it's been designed to fit better with Drupal8 and Symfony paradigms, because that's where the coding style is going this year.