
Basic MySQL CRUD app with Node.js

Primary LanguageEJSMIT LicenseMIT

About LateList

Version: 1.0.0 Author: https://danbirlem.com

An simple example MySQL + Node.js CRUD app. Hopefully, this sample app can help people trying to learn Node.js with simple MySQL integration.

Includes a list page, /add page, /edit page and /delete function.


  1. Clone from this repo and from app root, run npm install
  2. Import latelist.sql.zip to a MySQL database
  3. Update app.js for db + port config
  4. Update package.json with the homepage that fits your install
  5. node app.js to launch

Reccommended: forever

I like to use forever to run node servers. You can install with npm install -g forever. From the app root, run:

forever start -w ./app.js


  1. Atauba Prince @achowba > github
  2. Inspiration Project Code
  3. Bootstrap
  4. npm@body-parser
  5. npm@ejs
  6. npm@express
  7. npm@express-fileupload
  8. npm@mysql
  9. npm@req-flash
  10. npm@forever
  11. favicon.cc