
an ai game. maybe.

Primary LanguagePython



check the dmangame page for more information.


You can find the latest version of the source code on github



python 2.x


If using graphics, pygtk (which should include cairo).

If posting to app engine, pyyaml


# Play with graphics
python main.py ai/captureai.py ai/killncapture.py

# Play without graphics and a web replay. Open output.html to view the game replay.
# NOTE: This file is a massive JSON crusty file. If you want to copy it
# somewhere, make sure to compress it (scp -C) or gzip it first.
python main.py ai/captureai.py ai/killncapture.py -c -o output.html

# Use NCURSES GUI (Game output gets saved to game.log and game.out)
python main.py ai/captureai.py ai/killncapture.py -cn

# Play on a specific map
python main.py ai/captureai.py ai/killncapture.py -m maps/micro.py

# Show AI debug highlighting for AIs.
# Note: Each AI must have --hl before it to enable highlighting. See the
# Debugging section for more information.
# In this instance, only simpleAI gets highlighting.
python main.py --hl ai/simpleai.py ai/basepatroller.py

# Help
python main.py --help

# Run game via appengine. The app engine server is specified in # app.yaml.
# By default, it will hit dmangame-hrd.appspot.com, which
# will have the version of the code in github + the latest dmanai/ available.
# Note: You should need to set APPENGINE_LOCAL to False for this to work

# The results should get posted to
# http://dmangame-hrd.appspot.com
python main.py dmanai/okay/rushai.py dmanai/bob/expand-then-search.py -m maps/macro.py --app-engine

# Using remote AI
# The format of a remote AI is:
# github_user:path_to_ai_module
# The AI is then downloaded from that github user's fork of dmanai and used
# as a player
# The following loads goose.py (with okay.py as a required dependency)
# and expand then search from github.com/dmangame/dmanai
python main.py dmangame:okay/goose.py dmangame:bob/expand-then-search.py

See Also:

I've been a fan of AI based games for a while, such as the [Google AI Challenge][g_src] and the [Queue ICPC Challenge][i_src]. They are fun and challenging (could you tell from their titles?) [g_src]: http://ai-contest.com [i_src]: http://queue.acm.org/icpc/