The Task

Create a production ready web service which combines two existing web services. Fetch a random name from Fetch a random Chuck Norris joke from Combine the results and return them to the user.

Time Guidelines

We recommend you spend around 2 to 4 hours on this task. You should aim to at least have running code which meets the basic requirements of the task. Production ready is a broad goal: if you’re unable to fully meet it then please include clear TODO comments in your code that are sufficiently detailed that another engineer could complete the task without having to do additional design thinking and the result would match your vision of production readiness. Please let us know how much time you spent on the task when you submit your answer.

Further requirements:

The web service should be written in Go. Write a file which (at a minimum) provides instructions for running the web service. The web service should remain responsive under load and be able to support multiple concurrent requests. The code, and any other supporting files should be compressed into a single archive and submitted for review or a git repo link.


Fetching a name

$ curl ""
Fetching a joke
$ curl ""
{ “type”: “success”, “value”: { “id”: 181, “joke”: “John Doe’s OSI network model has only one layer - Physical.“, “categories”: [“nerdy”] } }

Using the new web service

$ curl "http://localhost:5000"
Hasina Tanweer’s OSI network model has only one layer - Physical..