JavaScript OOP Course Repository
- Install Node.js
- Try if it is working by typing in CMD/Terminal
$ node -v
(should produce result)
- Try if it is working by typing in CMD/Terminal
- Open CMD/Terminal and run
$ npm install -g mocha
- Checkout the repository for the particular homework
- Open CMD/Terminal and navigate to the checked out repository with the homework
- Run
npm install
in CMD/Terminal- A folder
should appear
- A folder
- You are ready to run the tests
- Navigate to the folder of the particular homework in CMD/Terminal
- Requirements:
- JavaScript files must be called task-1.js, task-2.js etc..
- Each .js file must contain
module.exports=[name of the object/function]
- Run
npm test
- Test results should appear on the CMD/Terminal
Upload in
Go to the specific homework
Select the task you will be sending
Wrap your result in:
function solve() { return [your solution object/function]; }