
Dump all the session variables as a formatted JSON.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

What is this?

SessionPrinter is simple tool that outputs all the variables stored in the session of a Laravel project. It is very handy if you need to do some testing or debugging with your session variables.

alt text


In your project directory:

$ cd resources/views
$ wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmarman/laravel-session-print/master/sessionPrinter.blade.php"

Then find your blade file where the <body> is located and right after it add:


This will insert sessionPrinter at the top of all your pages.


There are three modes available DOM, CONSOLE and HIDDEN. To switch modes just change the var mode inside the sessionPrinter.blade.php file for the mode you prefer. Example:

var mode = "CONSOLE";

DOM mode

This is the default mode. The session is displayed and highlighted on top of your page.


This mode displays only in the console each time the page is refreshed. The output is not highlighted.


This mode only displays in the console when you type session.


MIT License 2016.