
Sync directories with unencrypted and encrypted files using GPG encryption functions

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Sync directories with unencrypted and encrypted files using GPG encryption functions.

Quick Intro

encrypt.py allows you to easily keep your files in sync between unencrypted (source) directory and encrypted (destination) directory. One use case might be to encrypt your files (code, documents) when putting them to Dropbox by saving them to local directory and having a scheduled job running encrypt.py to encrypt them to Dropbox directory.

First Setup

direncrypt is a Python 3 project that uses Pipfile for managing dependencies. Clone the repository to a local directory and run pipenv install.

It is assumed that GPG has been configured on the host. If not, this is the place to start: https://gnupg.org/. In short, gpg keys need to be generated, and with gpg2 this command should be enough: gpg2 --full-generate-key. Still, the user should familiarise themselves with GPG.

A required next step is to set GPG parameters for direncrypt by running:

python encrypt.py --configure

This will create the inventory database inventory.sqlite from SQL files in sql directory. Some defaults have been pre-set. To change them, specify key value, as shown in the example below:

plaindir        ~/DropboxLocal
securedir       ~/Dropbox/Enc
restoredir      ~/DropboxRestore
public_id       None
gpg_keyring     pubring.kbx
gpg_homedir     ~/.gnupg
gpg_binary      gpg2

parameters> plaindir ~/DropboxUnencrypted
Setting plaindir to: ~/DropboxUnencrypted

Usage Examples

  1. Program is already configured, encrypt all files that have not been encrypted since the last run:
encrypt.py -e
  1. Program is already configured, decrypt all files found in register from encrypted (destination) to source directory:
encrypt.py -d
  1. Program is not yet configured, or we want to override some parameters, and encrypt unencrypted files:
encrypt.py --encrypt \
           --plaindir ~/DropboxLocal \
           --securedir ~/Dropbox/Enc \
           --restoredir ~/DropboxRestore \
           --public-id BADCOFFE \
           --gpg-homedir ~/.gnupg \
           --gpg-keyring pubring.kbx \
           --gpg-binary gpg2
  1. Decrypt all files to another location:
encrypt.py -d --restoredir ~/NewLocation

Command-line options

encrypt.py OPERATION PARAMETERS -v|--verbose

    -e|--encrypt     Encrypts new files from unencrypted directory to encrypted directory
    -d|--decrypt     Decrypts files encrypted with the specified public ID from encrypted
                     to unencrypted directory
       --configure   Runs interactive mode to list and set GPG parameters


Check Consistency

check.py provides a listing of files based on the register, and also checks the existence of files on the filesystem. The listing is provided in the format similar to this:

Plaindir: ~/DropboxLocal
Securedir: ~/Dropbox/Enc

STATUS PLAINFILE                           ENCFILE
ok  ue subdir/newfile.txt                  398a8fc1-1c33-4e2b-80a2-ae8645007cba
ok  ue test1.txt                           97f204c5-bdcb-4e61-9f7b-ec4bc9fd6824
NOK u  test2.txt                           75d49d5c-bc4c-46ad-b286-c336cc170aff
ok  ue subdir/another.txt                  6471eef4-8a8a-4fb5-858b-200cdcd7b231
NOK  e test3.txt                           cc1f2d27-c006-4d01-8c5d-b356ce482a30

Total files in the register: 5
Check: 3 ok, 2 not ok

State can be inconsistent if the files have been deleted but the register has not been updated. This utility provides two ways to deal with inconsistencies:

  • check.py --clean|-c: If unencrypted or encrypted file is missing (or both), the remaining existing file (if any) will be deleted from filesystem, and the entry in the register will be deleted.
  • check.py --resync|-r: If unencrypted file is missing, it will be decrypted to the original location, based on the register entry.

Please note that if encrypted file is missing and unencrypted does not, this is a regular situation that encrypt.py deals with. It should be encrypted on the next call (possibly initiated via cron).

direncryption Library

direncryption.py provides functions used by encrypt.py. Two main methods are encrypt_all() and decrypt_all().

encrypt_all() gets a list of all files under the unencrypted directory and compares their modified time with saved timestamps in database. New files and files modified after the last run will be encrypted.

decrypt_all() reads the register to get the list of files encrypted using the same GPG public ID as the one running now. Then it decrypts all such files using the passphrase provided.

inventory.sqlite Database

This database contains mapping between unencrypted filenames and encrypted filenames, as well as GPG public ID used to encrypt. If lost, there is no way to know where encrypted file originates from. It is recommended to keep a backup of the database in a safe and secure location.



See LICENSE file.


Domagoj Marsic



Luc Donnadieu
