
It is part of a set of repositories that contain dockerised environments for small applications.

In this case, it contains a self-efficient traefik setup.

It can act as a reverse proxy that match each request and send it into the right container.

How to use it

First of all, please, ⚠️ Change .env file to match your machine settings, as well as the credentials ⚠️

First time, you'll need to execute the configure Makefile rule

make configure
make run

for the following times, you just need to execute the run rule

make run

You can also use make stop in order to stop the traefik container.

.env setup

It contains a basic set of variables like:

  • HTTP basic auth credentials
  • HTTP host to match requests for internal traefik API
  • Internal local machine IP
  • user email to register letsencrypt certificates

Please take a look on that and ⚠️ create your own credentials ⚠️ in case you want to expose it to the public.

Traefik dashboard`