
Simple "diary card" webapp

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Basic install and other useful commands

## Install package for Alembic

git clone https://github.com/dmarx/checkin.git
cd checkin
#conda create -f environment.yml # somethign like that...
#conda activate checkin
python -m venv env/env_ci
source env/env_ci/bin/activate
pip install -e .

# make changes to database structure

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "updating database..."
alembic upgrade head

# kick off application

cd checkin # we're now in ~/checkin/checkin
nohup uvicorn api:app --host --port 8081 &

# Stop application for restart
ps -aux | grep uvicorn
pgrep uvicorn | xargs kill

# Incorporate changes and restart
# source ~/checkin/env/env_ci/bin/activate
scp .. # backup database locally
ssh .. # remote into host
pgrep uvicorn | xargs kill
cd checkin
git pull origin
alembic upgrade head
cd checkin
nohup uvicorn api:app --host --port 8081 &