
Simple agent-based model of competing political actors, focused on modeling agent decisionmaking via recursive look-ahead. Final project for CS580: Intro to Artificial Inteligence.

Primary LanguageTeX


David Masad

Final Project: CS 580 Intro to Artificial Intelligence

This project implements a simple version of the Tribute Model presented in Axelrod, "Building New Political Actors, 1995, experimenting with endowing the agents with lookahead decisionmaking.

The model was written in Python, using the NetworkX package. Analysis was done in the IPython Notebook.


The model itself is contained in the TributeModel/ directory. BaseModel.py contains the Model and Agent classes, while BatchRunner.py contains code for running multiple instantiations of the model for a given configuration and exporting the results.

The model running and analysis was done in several IPython notebooks in the top-level directory.

Batch Run 2.ipynb contains the configurations for the batch runs used to generate the output data used in the final paper.

Output Analysis 2.ipynb contains the analysis done on the output data, with the results reported in the paper.

Model Testing 1.ipynb was used for routine model testing and exploratory analysis.

The output of several batch runs is stored in the Outputs/ directory in JSON format, while Writeups/ contains the LaTeX and compiled outputs for the initial and final reports.