
rpc implementation where any language can be used to execute rspeer code

Primary LanguagePython

Rspeer, but in python/golang/javascript/elm/etc.

This is an experimental project so that any language can run the rspeer api. See client/python/main.py for an example.


Rspeer - and runescape botting in general - is often someone's first experience with code. I have no problem with Java, but setting up the jars + dependencies correctly can be a challenge for newcomers.

The first clients I'm focusing on are python and a web ui interface using the Blockly framework (think of Scratch, but with runescape specific blocks). This is to ease in newcomers into development.

People can write something like

import Movement


and have that be a complete program!

Also, Mad really likes golang apparently, so he can write his own golang client.

How the sausage gets made

There is a standard java script that starts a grpc server. See proto/activity.proto for the schema.

Any client can then send rpc requests to this local server, which will respond just as the standard java rspeer api would.

Integration into official rspeer client

Wouldn't it be nice if the official client did this, and scripts could be written using a variety of SDKs in officially/unofficially supported languages? I guess.

Mad expressed interest in this, but mantaining additional sdks for each rspeer release would be a fair amount of extra work.