
Lecture notes from my talk on Experimental code practices in Art & Design.


Lecture notes from my talk on Experimental code practices in Art & Design.

#Getting Weird:

Experimental Code in Art & Design


What : Presenting an overview of contemporary art and design realized with code.

Why : This is the type of work that got me interested in programming. Looking to the fringes of any medium (I think) can provide insights and inspiration to make the everyday practice more interesting for both users and designers.

PT.1 / Art: The Utterly Useless.

Context : Post-Conceptual / Web-Art / Abstract Art

###Example 1. Cory Archangel


  1. American Artist lives and works in NYC. Works across a variety of media but widely known for his web and software projects, including many that involve video games. - See more at: http://www.coryarcangel.com/about/#sthash.hnU7JRiR.dpuf


Super Mario Clouds, 2002
  1. A Modified NES Mario Brothers cartridge, which everything but the clouds have been removed from the screen output.
  2. Video Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCmAD0TwGcQ
  3. Link : http://www.coryarcangel.com/things-i-made/supermarioclouds
  4. Source code is made available in the spirit of open source culture. Many Bootlegs exist now.
  5. Presentation in a Gallery : Combined with F1 Racer Mod as Super Landscap (show slide).
Pizza Party, 2004
  1. A command line program to expidite ordering of Domino's pizzas.
  2. Video : http://www.coryarcangel.com/things-i-made/pizzaparty
Arcangel Surfware, 2014
  1. Not software related. Last year Arcangel released a product line 'Arcangel Surfware'. A line of leisure wear, tablet cases, phone cases, and bed sheets designed for surfing the internet in comfort and style.
  2. Link: http://shop.arcangelsurfware.biz/

###Example 2. Rafeal Rozendaal


  1. Rafaël Rozendaal is a visual artist who uses the internet as his canvas. His artistic practice consists of websites, installations, lenticulars, writings and lectures. From http://www.newrafael.com/bio/ Focusing on his sites for today.


  1. Trying Trying, 2014, http://www.tryingtrying.com/
  2. Neo Geo City, 2014 http://www.neogeocity.com/
  3. Show Please Donate, 2011 & PLease Like, 2010
  4. Cold Void, 2008 http://www.coldvoid.com/
  5. Chrome Plug-ins. Show Fox news site with both Abstract Browisng, 2014 and Text Free Browsing, 2013. Both are available for free in the chrome extensions marketplace.

PT.2 / Design: Slightly Less Useless.

###Example 1. Jürg Lehni


  1. Swiss Born. "Jürg Lehni works collaboratively across disciplines, dealing with the nuances of technology, tools and the human condition" Exists somewhere between Artist, Designer, and Inventor. Teaches in the New Media Dept." at UCLA.


#####Hecktor, 2002

  1. Hektor is a portable spray paint output device for computers.
  2. Images : http://juerglehni.com/works/hektor
  3. Video Link (Scroll Down) : http://juerglehni.com/works/hektor
  4. Hektor's output was plotted via Adobe Illustrator using the Scriptographer Plug-in. https://vimeo.com/75238390

#####Scriotographer, 2001-2012

  1. Overview: The software was created to give the user the possibility to extend Illustrator’s functionality by writing simple scripts in the JavaScript language. In other words to create one's own tools.
  2. Examples : http://scriptographer.org/gallery/, intro to Jonathan Puckey. Video: https://vimeo.com/80026325

###Example 2. Jonathan Puckey


  1. Was a major contributor to the Scriptographer project. Tools :
  2. Tile Tool, Video :
  3. Text Pencil, (Demo).
  4. Paper JS, created with Jürg Lehni, show Staggering Beauty example.
  5. Paper.js has excellent documentation, and the examples allow you to play with the code in the browser (Demo).
  6. Other works include thequickbrown.com. Tracks changes to foxnews.com headlines.

###Example 2. Studio Moniker (Luna Maurer)


  1. With Joanthan Puckey. Studio Moniker works with cultural institutions, and artists primarily. As well as producing many self initiated projects. The self initiated projects often inform or lead into commisioned projects.


  1. Self-Initiated project : PointerPointer.com
  2. Commissioned Project, an ode to the soon obsolete mouse pointer : http://donottouch.org/
  3. Twitter Clock : http://alltheminutes.com/



  1. Processing is a programming language, development environment, and online community. Initially created to serve as a software sketchbook and to teach computer programming fundamentals within a visual context, Processing evolved into a development tool for professionals. (from Processing.org)

#####Joshua Davis Examples / Demo

  1. Joshua Davis - The Hype Framework
  2. Joshua Davis - Phantogram Video
  3. Explain and run a simple rect func.
  4. Show, explain and run the gen. art example



#####Cory Arcangel



#####Joshua Davis joshuadavis.com


Intro to Generative Art I, class on Skillshare

#####Jürg Lehni



#####Miltos Manetas miltosmanetas.com

#####Studio Moniker



#####Jonathan Puckey



#####Casey Reas




#####Rafael Rozendaal newrafael.com

###Other resources:




