Eclipse plugin for css-analyser

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


An eclipse plugin for css-analyser.

We support refactoring duplication to grouping selectors and Mixins (for the moment, in the Less syntax. It is not difficult to add the functionality for Sass as well).


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


For the moment you have to import the plug-in code to eclipse and run it as an Eclipse Application.

I will create update sites, etc when the code reaches a more stable state :)

  1. Download (or clone) css-analyser.
  2. Download (or clone) CSSDev, and put it right besides the folder of css-analyser.
  3. Install Gradle.
  4. Run gradle buildAndCopyLibs inside CSSDev directory. css-analyser is built, and the required files are copied into CSSDev/libs directory
  5. Import the plug-in project to Eclipse and make an Eclipse Application run configuration. Run it with default settings.
  6. In the run-time IDE, open a CSS file. Right click in the editor (or, if the CSS file is in a project, on the CSS file in the package explorer), and from the CSSDev menu, select Duplications.
  7. In the opened Duplications view, click on the little i icon in the top-right corner of the view to detect declaration-level duplications.
  8. Right click on the duplication you want to get rid of to see the options for refactoring.