BOSCO module

This repository contains the following files:

bosco - directory containing installed BOSCO files

connect-1.0 - modulefile for BOSCO

connect - Connect program - Connect extension that sets up BOSCO for the user - Connect extension that adds another cluster to BOSCO for the user

How to test

  1. ssh into
  2. cd privatemodules (try "module load use.own" if the directory does not exist)
  3. module load git
  4. git clone
  5. mv Bosco-Module connect
  6. cp -r connect/bosco ~/bosco
  7. mkdir -p ~/lib/connect/extensions
  8. cp connect/ ~/lib/connect/extensions/
  9. module load use.own
  10. module load connect
  11. connect setup
  12. enter your ssh user/password to UChicago Connect when prompted

Bosco should be set up, with the UChicago Connect cluster added. Run "condor_submit" to submit jobs (currently supports grid universe only) and "condor_q" to check jobs.

User Guide

####Login to Midway

To begin, log in to the Research Computing Center's Midway cluster, replacing "username" with your account name on the RCC. If not already registered to Midway, go to the RCC's website and sign up for an account there. Using the BOSCO module also requires an account on RCC Connect.

$ ssh

####Set up Connect and BOSCO

Once logged in to Midway, set up the Connect program with the following step:

$ module load connect

Now you will have access to all of the Connect program extensions. For a list of available extensions, enter the following command:

$ connect

To run any of these extensions, just enter "connect ". For example, enter the command below to set up BOSCO:

$ connect setup

The command will start BOSCO and ask for a username and password to access RCC Connect. Once the setup is over, you will be able to submit jobs via BOSCO to RCC Connect.

####Tutorial jobs

Now let's create a test script to execute as your job submission to RCC Connect. Create the following script, titled

$ nano
# a short discovery job
printf "Start time: "; /bin/date
printf "Job is running on node: "; /bin/hostname
printf "Job running as user: "; /usr/bin/id
printf "Job is running in directory: "; /bin/pwd
echo "Working hard..."
sleep ${1-15}
echo "Science complete!"

Now, make the script executable.

$ chmod +x

#####Run the job locally

When setting up a new job type, it's important to test your job outside of Condor before submitting into the grid.

$ ./
Start time: Mon Aug 25 10:21:35 CDT 2014
Job is running on node: midway-login2
Job running as user: uid=54161(netid) gid=1000(users) groups=1000(users),10008(rcc)
Job is running in directory: /home/netid
Working hard...
Science complete!

#####Create an HTCondor submit file

Now, let's create a simple (if verbose) HTCondor submit file, called tutorial.submit

$ nano tutorial.submit

The submit file should contain the following. Replace "username" in the grid_resource line with your account name on RCC Connect.

# The UNIVERSE defines an execution environment. 
Universe = grid
grid_resource = batch condor

# EXECUTABLE is the program your job will run. It's often useful
# to create a shell script to "wrap" your actual work.
Executable =

# ERROR and OUTPUT are the error and output channels from your job
# that HTCondor returns from the remote host.
Error = job.error
Output = job.output

# The LOG file is where HTCondor places information about your
# job's status, success, and resource consumption.
Log = job.log

# QUEUE is the "start button" - it launches any jobs that have been
# specified thus far.
Queue 1

#####Submit the job

Submit the job using condor_submit.

$ condor_submit tutorial.submit
Submitting job(s).
1 job(s) submitted to cluster 1.

#####Check job status The condor_q command tells the status of currently running jobs.

$ condor_q
-- Submitter: midway-login2.rcc.local : <> : midway-login2.rcc.local
 ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD               
   1.0   username         8/25 10:06   0+00:00:06 R  0   0.0         

1 jobs; 0 completed, 0 removed, 0 idle, 1 running, 0 held, 0 suspended

Let's wait for your job to finish - that is, for condor_q not to show the job in its output. A useful Connect extension for this is watch - it runs a program repeatedly, letting you see how the output differs at fixed five-second intervals.

$ condor_submit tutorial.submit
Submitting job(s).
1 job(s) submitted to cluster 2
$ connect watch

When your job has completed, it will disappear from the list.

Note: To close watch, hold down Ctrl and press C.

#####Job history

Once your job has finished, you can get information about its execution from the condor_history command:

$ condor_history 1
 1.0   username            8/25 10:06   0+00:00:12 C   8/25 10:06

Note: You can see much more information about your job's final status using the -long option (e.g. "condor_history -long 1").

#####Check the job output

Once your job has finished, you can look at the files that HTCondor has returned to the working directory. If everything was successful, it should have returned:

  • a log file from Condor for the job cluster: job.log
  • an output file for each job's output: job.output
  • an error file for each job's errors: job.error

Read the output file. It should look something like this:

$ cat job.output
Start time: Mon Aug 25 10:06:12 CDT 2014
Job is running on node: appcloud01
Job running as user: uid=58704(osg) gid=58704(osg) groups=58704(osg)
Job is running in directory: /var/lib/condor/execute/dir_2120
Working hard ...
Science complete!