
Access GroupLens.org data sets within Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

Access data from the GroupLens project

Use DataDeps and JuliaDB to access GroupLens project datasets.

This package registers DataDeps for datasets named MovieLens-latest, MovieLens-latest-small, MovieLens-20m, MovieLens-20m-trailers, and Book-Crossing.

To access a particular dataset, use the datadep string macro. The first time you access the dataset it will be downloaded and the .zip file expanded. Subsequent usages will access the locally cached files.

julia> using Dates, GroupLens, JuliaDB

julia> readdir(datadep"MovieLens-20m")
This program has requested access to the data dependency MovieLens-20m.
which is not currently installed. It can be installed automatically, and you will not see this message again.

DataSet: Stable benchmark dataset from MovieLens
Source: GroupLens project at U. of Minnesota
Website: https://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/20m/

Stable benchmark dataset. 20 million ratings and 465,000 tag applications applied
to 27,000 movies by 138,000 users. Includes tag genome data with 12 million
relevance scores across 1,100 tags.
Released 4/2015;
updated 10/2016 to update links.csv and add tag genome data.

Do you want to download the dataset from http://files.grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ml-20m.zip to "/home/bates/.julia/datadeps/MovieLens-20m"?
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = "http://files.grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ml-20m.zip"
│   dest = "/home/bates/.julia/datadeps/MovieLens-20m/ml-20m.zip"
│   progress = 1.0
│   time_taken = "2.72 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.0 s"
│   average_speed = "69.771 MiB/s"
│   downloaded = "189.497 MiB"
│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "189.497 MiB"
Archive:  /home/bates/.julia/datadeps/MovieLens-20m/ml-20m.zip
   creating: /home/bates/.julia/datadeps/MovieLens-20m/ml-20m/
  inflating: /home/bates/.julia/datadeps/MovieLens-20m/ml-20m/genome-scores.csv
  inflating: /home/bates/.julia/datadeps/MovieLens-20m/ml-20m/genome-tags.csv
  inflating: /home/bates/.julia/datadeps/MovieLens-20m/ml-20m/links.csv
  inflating: /home/bates/.julia/datadeps/MovieLens-20m/ml-20m/movies.csv
  inflating: /home/bates/.julia/datadeps/MovieLens-20m/ml-20m/ratings.csv
  inflating: /home/bates/.julia/datadeps/MovieLens-20m/ml-20m/README.txt
  inflating: /home/bates/.julia/datadeps/MovieLens-20m/ml-20m/tags.csv
1-element Array{String,1}:

A convenient way to access these data tables is with loadtable from the JuliaDB package.

julia> links = loadtable(datadep"MovieLens-20m/ml-20m/links.csv", indexcols=[1],
           colparsers=[Int32, Int32, Int32])
Table with 27278 rows, 3 columns:
movieId  imdbId   tmdbId
1        114709   862
2        113497   8844
3        113228   15602
4        114885   31357
5        113041   11862
6        113277   949
7        114319   11860
8        112302   45325
131252   289477   9677
131254   466713   4436
131256   277703   9274
131258   3485166  285213
131260   249110   32099
131262   1724965  286971

julia> movies = loadtable(datadep"MovieLens-20m/ml-20m/movies.csv", indexcols=[1],
Table with 27278 rows, 3 columns:
movieId  title                                                     genres
1        "Toy Story (1995)"                                        "Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy|Fantasy"
2        "Jumanji (1995)"                                          "Adventure|Children|Fantasy"
3        "Grumpier Old Men (1995)"                                 "Comedy|Romance"
4        "Waiting to Exhale (1995)"                                "Comedy|Drama|Romance"
5        "Father of the Bride Part II (1995)"                      "Comedy"
6        "Heat (1995)"                                             "Action|Crime|Thriller"
7        "Sabrina (1995)"                                          "Comedy|Romance"
8        "Tom and Huck (1995)"                                     "Adventure|Children"
131252   "Forklift Driver Klaus: The First Day on the Job (2001)"  "Comedy|Horror"
131254   "Kein Bund für's Leben (2007)"                            "Comedy"
131256   "Feuer, Eis & Dosenbier (2002)"                           "Comedy"
131258   "The Pirates (2014)"                                      "Adventure"
131260   "Rentun Ruusu (2001)"                                     "(no genres listed)"
131262   "Innocence (2014)"                                        "Adventure|Fantasy|Horror"

julia> ratings = loadtable(datadep"MovieLens-20m/ml-20m/ratings.csv", indexcols=[1,2],

julia> ratings = setcol(ratings, :timestamp, :timestamp => unix2datetime)
Table with 20000263 rows, 4 columns:
userId  movieId  rating  timestamp
1       2        3.5     2005-04-02T23:53:47
1       29       3.5     2005-04-02T23:31:16
1       32       3.5     2005-04-02T23:33:39
1       47       3.5     2005-04-02T23:32:07
1       50       3.5     2005-04-02T23:29:40
1       112      3.5     2004-09-10T03:09:00
1       151      4.0     2004-09-10T03:08:54
1       223      4.0     2005-04-02T23:46:13
138493  68319    4.5     2009-12-07T18:15:20
138493  68954    4.5     2009-11-13T15:42:00
138493  69526    4.5     2009-12-03T18:31:48
138493  69644    3.0     2009-12-07T18:10:57
138493  70286    5.0     2009-11-13T15:42:24
138493  71619    2.5     2009-10-17T20:25:36