Donate link: License: GPLv2 License URI:
A clean, minimalistic administration theme inspired from Twitter's Bootstrap ( )
A clean, minimalistic administration theme implementing Twitter's Bootstrap. You can get it on github here:
This project was built for the network of stores. This plugin will continue to be improved.
So far these things have been done:
- General styling of the wordpress admin area
- Admin menu sub-menus as bootstrap popovers (they're actually very beautiful!)
- Bootstrap Icons for a lot of things
- Default WordPress forms theming
- Buttons theming
- Postboxes theming
- Includes WPMUdev Pro-Sites optimizations
- Includes WPMUdev MarketPress optimizations
- Even more, and a lot more on the way!
If you like it and use it on your projects, please consider donating @
Just copy to your plugins folder and activate (or Network activate) it.