
Chef cookbook to install and configure different monitoring services for newrelic

Primary LanguageRuby

newrelic-ng Cookbook

This cookbook provides LWRPs and recipes to install and configure different monitoring services for Newrelic.


server monitoring with nrsysmond

You can set your Newrelic license_key in the following attribute

node['newrelic-ng']['nrsysmond']['config']['license_key'] = 'CHANGE_ME'

The 'config' attribute actually supports all other configuration options that nrsysmond accepts. You can e.g. disable ssl

node['newrelic-ng']['nrsysmond']['config']['ssl'] = false

For a complete list of attributes, please see here


You can set your Newrelic license key (note: this one is usually different than the one for server monitoring), as well as other options in the following attribute (default values shown below)

node['newrelic-ng']['plugin-agent']['license_key'] = 'CHANGE_ME'
node['newrelic-ng']['plugin-agent']['poll_interval'] = 60
node['newrelic-ng']['plugin-agent']['pidfile'] = '/var/run/newrelic/newrelic_plugin_agent.pid'
node['newrelic-ng']['plugin-agent']['logfile'] = '/var/log/newrelic/newrelic_plugin_agent.log'

Set the pip package to install. Defaults to 'newrelic-plugin-agent'. You can set it e.g. to your github fork

node.default['newrelic']['plugin-agent']['pip_package'] = 'git+git://github.com/chr4/newrelic-plugin-agent.git@fix-postgres-9.2'

For configuring your services, you need to insert a YAML string into the service_config attribute

node['newrelic-ng']['plugin-agent']['service_config'] = <<-EOS
  host: localhost
  port: 5432
  user: postgres
  dbname: postgres


To use the recipes, add the following to your metadata.rb

depends 'newrelic-ng'


  • Includes newrelic-ng::nrsysmond-default


  • Includes newrelic-ng::nrsysmond-install
  • Configures and starts nrsysmond according to the attributes


  • Includes newrelic-ng::newrelic-repository
  • Installs newrelic-sysmond package


  • Includes newrelic-ng::plugin-agent-install
  • Configures and starts newrelic-plugin-agent according to the attributes


  • Install python, python-pip and python-psycopg2
  • Install newrelic-plugin-agent using pip
  • Install newrelic-plugin-agent initscript (Debian, Ubuntu only)
  • Create run/log directories


  • Sets up the Newrelic apt/yum repository


To use the providers, add the following to your metadata.rb

depends 'newrelic-ng'


When nrsysmond is installed (e.g. using the newrelic-ng::nrsysmond-install recipe), you can configure it using the LWRP.

newrelic_ng_nrsysmond 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY'

For more sophisticated setups, you can specify the follwoing additional attributes (they default to the node attributes)

newrelic_ng_nrsysmond 'custom' do
  license_key 'MY_PRODUCTION_KEY' if node.chef_environment == 'production'
  license_key 'MY_STAGING_KEY'    if node.chef_environment == 'staging'

  # additional nrsysmond configuration options
  ssl            false
  loglevel       'info'
  proxy          nil
  ssl_ca_bundle  nil
  ssl_ca_path    '/myca/path'
  pidfile        '/tmp/nrsysmond.pid'
  collector_host 'my-collector-host.com'
  timeout        10

  # path and attributes of nrsysmond.cfg
  owner       'root'
  group       'root'
  mode        00600
  config_file '/etc/nrsysmond.cfg'

  # you can also specify your own configuration template
  cookbook    'yourcookbook'
  source      'yoursourcefile'


When the plugin-agent is installed (e.g. using the newrelic-ng::plugin-agent-install recipe), you can configure it using the LWRP.

newrelic_ng_plugin_agent 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY'

For more sophisticated setups, you can specify the follwoing additional attributes (they default to the node attributes)

newrelic_ng_plugin_agent 'custom' do
  license_key 'MY_PRODUCTION_KEY' if node.chef_environment == 'production'
  license_key 'MY_STAGING_KEY'    if node.chef_environment == 'staging'

  # additional plugin-agent configuration options
  poll_interval  20
  logfile        '/tmp/plugin-agent.log'
  pidfile        '/tmp/plugin-agent.pid'

  # set your service configuration
  service_config <<-EOS
  host: localhost
  port: 5432
  user: postgres
  dbname: postgres

  # path and attributes of nrsysmon
  owner       'root'
  group       'root'
  mode        00600
  config_file '/etc/plugin-agent.cfg'

  # you can also specify your own configuration template
  cookbook    'yourcookbook'
  source      'yoursourcefile'



  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  3. Write you change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github

License and Authors

Authors: Chris Aumann me@chr4.org

License: GPLv3