
Primary LanguageRuby

puppet Master code

Recent code rebase to replicate how Satellite 6 manages the puppet code.

I've added basic modules for sshd_config, users, a webserver app and phpsysinfo. Lots of examples of how to code.

To use:

  • Install your puppet master
  • move out the puppet directory (mv /etc/puppet /etc/puppet_ORIG
  • initialise git - git init (in /etc)
  • git clone my repo
  • git clone git@github.com:dmccuk/puppet.git
  • On your node, update your /etc/puppet/puppet.conf file to point to "your" puppet master, then run "puppet agent -t" (I have got some test server names in my config)
  • To use hiera, create yourself your own fqdn.yaml file and look at the ones already there as examples.
  • Enjoy.

Added in Hiera.yaml configuration under hieradata/node

Here is my hiera file. Very basic but you get the idea.

  - yaml
  :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata
  - "node/%{::fqdn}"
  - common
  - users

Here is my common.yaml (update as required)


  • role_basic


  • '$1$0p3Ng$Zj/tdn/UOaVQLpKAaNBzk/'





ntp::broadcastclient: true



Here is my users.yaml (Update as required)



group creation

users::configure::groups_default: sysadmins: ensure: present gid: 1010 logging: ensure: present gid: 1011

user creation

users::configure::users_default: first.last: ensure: present managehome: true shell: /bin/bash uid: 5000 groups: [ 'sysadmins', 'logging', 'wheel' ] password: password ssh_authorized_keys: first.last@server.name: ensure: present key: KeyG0esHere!! options: type: ssh-rsa ################################################