
Mock NTP Server for testing purposes.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

NTP Mock Server

Build Status Dependency Status Gem Version


in ruby script

Install gem from github, by adding the gem line into the Gemfile as follows:

gem 'ntp-mock-server', github: 'dmcnulla/ntp'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ntp-mock-server

Add to your script:

require 'ntp' # NOTE it automatically includes 'net/ntp' gem

# create a new server instance
server = NTP::Server::Control.new

# starting the server on 12345-th port.
# => "started NTP mock server on localhost:12345."

# get a time from the server
Net::NTP::get('', 12345).time # => time...

# set base time for the server
server.time("2000/01/01 01:00")

# get a new rebased time from the server
Net::NTP::get('', 12345).time # => "2000/01/01 01:05"

# stop the server. NOTE since the server is bind to another process, it shall be explicitly stopped.
# => "stopped"

From a command line

You can control the server by using a command line interface as follows:

# start the server
$ ntp-mock-server start

# setb server's base time
$ ntp-mock-server time "2000/01/01 01:00"

# stop the server
$ ntp-mock-server stop

Issue the CLI application without a command to view all available ones:

$ ntp-mock-server
Usage: ntp-mock-server [start|stop|restart|status|time <time>|reset]


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/dmcnulla/ntp/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


See LICENSE.txt file.