
Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


Dosh is a personal finance application.

It uses plain text accounting.

Research areas

Extracting transaction data from PDF

https://github.com/tabulapdf/tabula-java https://github.com/gavinkflam/tabula-api

Ledger file format

https://hledger.org/1.26/hledger.html#journal-format https://www.ledger-cli.org/3.0/doc/ledger3.html#Journal-File-Format-for-Developers


Download from https://github.com/lazd/dosh


The Polylith documentation can be found here:

You can also get in touch with the Polylith Team on Slack.


Get info about the workspace:

$ clojure -M:poly info

In addition to the development project which you will use with a REPL for developing against the whole workspace, there are two projects:

  • dosh -- a command-line application, aliased as app
  • dosh-lib -- a simple library, aliased as lib

Run all the workspace's tests, including the development tests:

$ clojure -M:poly test :all :dev

This runs all of the tests in the workspace, including the example generative test in the dosh app project.

Normally, you would run just tests for components that have changed: clojure -M:poly test (optionally with :project to all run project-specific tests).

To develop against this workspace, start a REPL in your favorite way, using the :dev and :test aliases.

Build a deployable artifact for the dosh command-line application project:

$ ( cd projects/dosh && clojure -T:build uber )

Run that uberjar:

$ java -jar projects/dosh/target/dosh-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Hello, World!
$ java -jar projects/dosh/target/dosh-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar Lisa
Hello, Lisa!

Build a deployable library artifact for the dosh-lib project:

$ ( cd projects/dosh-lib && clojure -T:build jar )

This will produce a generated pom.xml file in the project's target folder and synchronize the dependencies with that project's deps.edn file.

It will have the coordinates net.clojars.lazd/dosh (and a version of "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" initially).

You can install that JAR file locally:

$ ( cd projects/dosh-lib && clojure -T:build install )

You can also deploy that JAR file to Clojars:

$ ( cd projects/dosh-lib && clojure -T:build deploy )

You can then depend on the library in other projects (adjust the :mvn/version as necessary):

$ clj -Sdeps '{:deps { net.clojars.lazd/dosh {:mvn/version "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"} }}'
Clojure 1.10.3
user=> (require '[lazd.dosh.greeter.interface :as greet])
user=> (greet/greeting {:person "REPL"})
"Hello, REPL!"