Evolution X

Evolution X

Download Evolution X

Syncing Evolution X Source Code

Please choose one of the following manifest branches

  • If you are compiling for a non-pixel device and are not using jemalloc memory allocator:
# Initialize local repository
repo init -u https://github.com/Evolution-X/manifest -b udc
  • If you are compiling for a Google Pixel device:
repo init -u https://github.com/Evolution-X/manifest -b udc-p
  • If you are compiling for a non-pixel device and would like to use the jemalloc memory allocator:
repo init -u https://github.com/Evolution-X/manifest -b udc-j

Once you have chosen a source branch, you can proceed with the synchronization using the following command:

repo sync -c -j$(nproc --all) --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags

Note: To save space and reduce download time during the synchronization process, you can also pass --depth 1 to the repo sync command. However, using --depth 1 will result in the repositories being synced without any commit history.

Evolution X Build Flags

This section comprises a list of available build flags that allow the inclusion or exclusion of specific prebuilts, Runtime Resource Overlays (RROs), and device properties in the Evolution X ROM.

Note: To configure these flags for a particular device, make the necessary adjustments in the evolution_codename.mk file of your device tree.

Flag Use Default Value
TARGET_BOOT_ANIMATION_RES Specifies the resolution of the boot animation (available values: 1080, 1440, 720) 1080
TARGET_USES_MINI_GAPPS Indicates if the target uses Mini GApps (Gapps are full if unset) false
TARGET_USES_PICO_GAPPS Indicates if the target uses Pico GApps (Gapps are full if unset) false
TARGET_FACE_UNLOCK_SUPPORTED Indicates if the target supports face unlock true
TARGET_SUPPORTS_QUICK_TAP Indicates if the target supports quick tap false
TARGET_SUPPORTS_TOUCHGESTURES Indicates if the target supports screen off touch gestures false
EXTRA_UDFPS_ANIMATIONS Indicates if the target should include UDFPS resources false
TARGET_USES_NOTHING_CAMERA Indicates if the target uses Nothing camera false
TARGET_USES_MIUI_CAMERA Indicates if the target uses Miui camera false
TARGET_INCLUDES_MIUI_CAMERA Indicates if the target uses Miui camera false
TARGET_USES_OPLUS_CAMERA Indicates if the target uses OPlus camera false
TARGET_CAMERA_NEEDS_CLIENT_INFO_LIB_OPLUS Indicates if the target needs client info lib (for OPlus camera) false
TARGET_NEEDS_OPLUS_VENDOR_TAG Indicates if the target needs OPlus vendor tag (for Oplus camera) false
TARGET_IS_PIXEL Indicates if the target is a Google Pixel device false
TARGET_IS_PIXEL_6 Indicates if the target is a Pixel 6 series device false
TARGET_IS_PIXEL_7 Indicates if the target is Pixel 7 false
TARGET_IS_PIXEL_7A Indicates if the target is Pixel 7A false
TARGET_IS_PIXEL_FOLD Indicates if the target is Pixel Fold false
TARGET_IS_PIXEL_TABLET Indicates if the target is a Pixel Tablet false
TARGET_PIXEL_STAND_SUPPORTED Indicates if the target supports Pixel Stand. false
  • Flags not listed here & more information regarding listed flags

Soong | Kernel

Evolution X Configuration Files

This section includes a list of configuration files containing overlayable resources to enable, disable, or configure features in the Evolution X ROM.

Note: Any modifications or customizations to these resources should be made in the device tree via product package overlays or runtime resource overlay (RRO) packages.

Configuration File Description
AOSP FWB core config Overlayable resources for AOSP FWB core features
Evolution FWB core config Overlayable resources for Evolution X FWB core features
AOSP FWB SystemUI config Overlayable resources for AOSP FWB SystemUI features
Evolution SystemUI config Overlayable resources for Evolution X FWB SystemUI features
AOSP Settings config Overlayable resources for AOSP Settings features
Evolution Settings config Overlayable resources for Evolution X Settings features
Evolution Settings strings Overlayable string resources for Evolution X Settings
AOSP/Evolution SettingsProvider defaults Overlayable resources for AOSP/Evolution X SettingsProvider feature defaults


  • Set up the build environment
. build/envsetup.sh
  • Choose a target
lunch evolution_codename-userdebug
  • To start compiling
m evolution

Applying for maintainership of a device

If you are a device maintainer and are interested in maintaining our ROM for your device, please follow these steps:

Review the Evolution X Code of Conduct carefully. You will be asked questions about it during your interview.

Visit our Telegram and type #apply_for_maintainership in the chat to schedule an initial interview. During the interview, you will need to provide information about your device, including its name, codename, any current device-side bugs, and the SELinux status. You should also provide links to your device repositories on GitHub, mention your availability, and confirm that you have a reliable means to compile the ROM and provide builds in a timely manner.

Depending on your device manufacturer and other potential factors, you may be redirected to other team members for additional questions during the interview process. This could be to ensure that you are the right fit for the specific requirements of maintaining the ROM for your device.

We are looking for maintainers who are committed to providing quality support and maintaining the ROM effectively, so please only apply if you feel that you meet these requirements. We look forward to hearing from you!


Project GitHub Organization Project GitHub Organization
LineageOS Link crDroid Link
ParanoidAndroid Link Octavi-OS Link
PixelDust Link hentaiOS Link
ProtonAOSP Link POSP Link
BlissROMs Link StatiXOS Link
Syberia Project Link ArrowOS Link
PixelExperience Link AICP Link
ShapeShiftOS Link YAAP Link
PixelExtended Link AospExtended Link
Nitrogen OS Link PixysOS Link
Havoc-OS Link Xtended Link
ColtOS Link exTHmUI Link
TheParasiteProject Link
  • And tons of other ROMs not mentioned above