

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT



Setup process

  • Update and Upgrade system (sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y)
  • Python to Python3 (sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 1)
  • Install python3-pip (sudo apt install python3-pip)
  • Install required python packages (pip install torch torchvision numpy pandas matplotlib scipy sklearn neovim)
  • Install NVM
    • Install Node using NVM (nvm install --lts)
      • Update npm (npm i -g npm@latest)
      • Install pyright, tsserver (npm i -g pyright typescript typescript-language-server tree-sitter-cli neovim)
  • Install clangd, xclip, ripgrep, fd-find for neovim (sudo apt install clangd xclip ripgrep fd-find)
  • Install go (follow golang website instruction)
  • Install neovim nightly, vim-plug and open plug.vim and install plugins
  • For cool shell prompt install starship (sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://starship.rs/install.sh)")
  • For solarized (using same dircolors for gruvbox too as it looks fine) theme, get the correct dircolors from dircolorsdb and update .dir_colors and .bashrc accordingly.
  • Add CaskaydiaCode font (Install from nerd fonts) to apply webdevicons plugin
  • Download fzf