

  • Kotlin
  • SparkJava
  • KotlinQuery
  • HikariCP
  • Fuel
  • H2 DB

Docker Container

Docker Commands

  • Run: docker-compose up
  • Run detached: docker-compose up -d
  • Rebuild container: docker-compose up --build
  • Bring down container: docker-compose down
  • Stop running process and clear volumes: docker-compose down --remove-orphans --volumes
  • Get IP address of docker container: docker inspect <container_id> | grep IPAddress -> hostname
  • Remove dangling images: docker system prune
  • Remove all unused images: docker system prune -a
  • Remove all unused images and volumes: docker system prune -a --volumes

Pushing API to dockerhub

  • Build image for kubernetes: docker build -t kotlin-todo-app .
  • Tag image to repo on dockerhub: docker tag <image-name> <dockerhub-username>/<repository-name>:<tag-name>
    • ie. docker tag kotlin-todo-app dmdinh/kotlin-todo-app:X.X.X
  • Push up to dockerhub: docker push <dockerhub-username>/<respository-name>:<tag-name>
    • ie. docker push dmdinh/kotlin-todo-app:1.0.0

MiniKube (local kubernetes)

  • spin up: minikube start
  • spin down: minikube stop

Deploying API to Kubernetes via MiniKube

  • Create and apply kubernetes from the yaml files:
kubectl apply -f kotlin-todo-app-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f kotlin-todo-app-service.yaml
  • Check pod status: kubectl get pods
  • Get services in cluster: kubectl get services
  • Get url exposed: minikube service <service-name> --url (minikube service kotlin-todo-app --url)