
How to get the boxes or mask from the results?

s1030512149 opened this issue · 4 comments

Sorry to bother.
Actually i just know the Python, but recently we are trying to deploy the model to other machine based on C#.
Here is the code:
using var model = new YoloV8(model)
var results = model.Detect(img)
or var results = model.Segment(img)

How can I get the boxes or the mask from the results with the conf and the classfied group ? It is the same like Python code: box = results.Boxes ?
Can you help me with that?
Thanks a lot!

This is different from Python, the list of boxes are in result.Boxes, which is an array of objects that implement the IBoundingBox interface.

I hope the following code will make it clear for you:

var firstBox = result.Boxes[0]; // get first box from the result

var boxConfidence = firstBox.Confidence;
var boxX = firstBox.Rectangle.X;
var boxY = firstBox.Rectangle.Y;
var boxWidth = firstBox.Rectangle.Width;
var boxHeight = firstBox.Rectangle.Height;
var className = firstBox.Class.Name;
var classId = firstBox.Class.Id;

Thanks, you helped a lot!

Hi @dme-compunet,
I can see the Boxes property of the result but can't see the masks.
Can you provide us more information?
Thank you!

Oh, I've found where the mask is. It is a property of ISegmentationBoundingBox.