
aibo is an Emacs package that leverages OpenAI's chat API to bring ChatGPT into Emacs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


aibo melpa badge aibo-server Python version badge

aibo is an Emacs package that leverages OpenAI's chat API to bring ChatGPT into Emacs


⚠️ Disclaimer

  • I'm not familiar with elisp so there might be quirky code conventions used
  • It's mainly a personal project but will try hard to keep things backwards compatible
  • Since I do a lot of coding, I'll be adding more utilities to help with coding flows (e.g. LSP-integration and git repo integrations) so expect potentially random features


  • Quickly create conversations from anywhere in emacs
  • Persist all conversations and messages, enabling search on past conversations in a SQLite DB (Default: ~/.aibo/database.db)
  • Supports function-calling API through simple function decorators (package.py). To add custom packages, define AIBO_CUSTOM_PACKAGES_MODULE to your custom Python module (e.g. aibo.packages).
  • The aibo server automatically runs on emacs which includes hot-reloading (Default: localhost:5000 on the *Aibo server* buffer)
  • Inject images from clipboard using the \im shorthand (⚠️ requires gpt-4-vision access). Press [RET] on conversation [Image:<id>] links to open in a local browser.


To use aibo, both the Python server and the Elisp package need to be installed. Here's how:

  1. Clone the aibo repository:
git clone https://github.com/dmed256/aibo.git
  1. Install Python dependencies:

2.1. Install using pip

pip install aibo-server

2.2. Install using the cloned git repo

cd aibo/python
pip install -e .[dev]
  1. Update your Emacs configuration file (~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el):
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/aibo")
(require 'aibo)
  1. Make sure your OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable is set

  2. Restart or eval the Elisp code snippet.

Optional keybindings and Ivy buffer configurations are detailed below.

Keybindings and Configurations

Here are my personal keybindings:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-h") 'aibo:homepage)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-s") 'aibo:message-search)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-y") 'aibo:rephrase-yank)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-/") 'aibo:create-conversation)

Rephrase-yank inspired by this tweet.

Hide aibo buffers from Ivy by adding the following:

(add-to-list 'ivy-ignore-buffers "\\*Aibo")


Starting a new Conversation

Start a new conversation using aibo:create-conversation (M-/.)


Access the conversation history using aibo:homepage (C-M-h), displaying conversation history and allowing soft-deletion of conversations and title editing.


Keybind Description Command
C-c C-x C-r Refresh homepage aibo:refresh-homepage
C-c p s Find conversations based on searching message contents aibo:message-search



Keybind Description Command
C-c C-x C-r Refresh the conversation aibo:refresh-current-conversation
C-c C-t Set the conversation title aibo:set-current-conversation-title
C-c C-k Soft-delete the message at point aibo:remove-message-at-point
C-c C-x C-k Soft-delete all messages at point and after aibo:remove-messages-after-point
C-c C-c Regenerate last message aibo:regenerate-current-conversation-last-assistant-message
C-c C-x C-t Regenerate the conversation title based on the conversation content aibo:generate-current-conversation-title
M-RET If point is at the user input field, submit the message for an assistant response aibo:submit-user-message


For Elisp customizations, refer to aibo-custom.el.

For Python environment customizations, refer to constants.py.