
Android docker to run test on emulator


Hello, this docker image and support scripts ("tools") folder, created to simplify testing android builds on emulator

based on this repo https://github.com/appunite/docker


  • added run emulator and run tests scripts (run-emulator.sh, run-tests-emulator.sh)
  • reduced emulator sd-card size to don't reach default docker container 10gb size limit

how to

  1. first we need to build image: docker build -t dmedov/android .

  2. to run junit tests, run this command from your current source folder: docker run --tty --interactive --volume=$(pwd):/opt/workspace --workdir=/opt/workspace --rm dmedov/android /bin/sh -c "./gradlew test"

to run integrations test on emulator, run this command from your current source folder: docker run --tty --interactive --volume=$(pwd):/opt/workspace --workdir=/opt/workspace --rm dmedov/android /bin/sh -c "run-tests-emulator.sh"

custom actions

to run emulator use "/tools/run-emulator.sh" "tools" folder under $PATH veriable in docker container

example of travis-ci integration

sudo: required

  - docker

script: ./package.sh

package.sh content:

set -e -x

git clone https://github.com/dmedov/android-docker-ci.git
cd android-docker-ci
docker build -t dmedov/android .
cd ..

docker run --tty --interactive --volume=$(pwd):/opt/workspace --workdir=/opt/workspace --rm dmedov/android  /bin/sh -c "run-tests-emulator.sh"