
An OpenType typeface utilities.

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An OpenType typeface utilities.


TypefaceUtil is a set of OpenType typeface utilities. Currently supported are cmap table format parser for character to glyph index mapping, generation of character png map, svg and xaml export for glyphs.




  An OpenType typeface utilities.

  TypefaceUtil [options]

  -f, --inputFiles <inputfiles>              The relative or absolute path to the input files
  -d, --inputDirectory <inputdirectory>      The relative or absolute path to the input directory
  -p, --pattern <pattern>                    The search string to match against the names of files in the input directory [default: *.ttf]
  --fontFamily <fontfamily>                  The input font family
  -o, --outputDirectory <outputdirectory>    The relative or absolute path to the output directory
  --zip                                      Create zip archive from exported files
  --zipFile <zipfile>                        The relative or absolute path to the zip file [default: export.zip]
  --printFontFamilies                        Print available font families
  --printCharacterMaps                       Print character maps info
  --png, --pngExport                         Export text as Png
  --pngTextSize <pngtextsize>                Png text size [default: 20]
  --pngCellSize <pngcellsize>                Png cell size [default: 40]
  --pngColumns <pngcolumns>                  Png number of columns [default: 20]
  --svg, --svgExport                         Export text as Svg
  --svgTextSize <svgtextsize>                Svg text size [default: 16]
  --svgPathFill <svgpathfill>                Svg path fill [default: black]
  --xaml, --xamlExport                       Export text as Xaml
  --xamlTextSize <xamltextsize>              Xaml text size [default: 16]
  --xamlBrush <xamlbrush>                    Xaml brush [default: Black]
  --quiet                                    Set verbosity level to quiet
  --debug                                    Set verbosity level to debug
  --version                                  Show version information
  -?, -h, --help                             Show help and usage information
TypefaceUtil -h
TypefaceUtil --pngExport -f segoeui.ttf
TypefaceUtil --pngExport --fontFamily "Segoe UI"
TypefaceUtil --svgExport -f seguisym.ttf
TypefaceUtil --svgExport --fontFamily "Segoe UI Symbol"
TypefaceUtil --xamlExport -f calibri.ttf
TypefaceUtil --xamlExport --fontFamily "Calibri"
TypefaceUtil -d C:\Windows\Fonts --png --svg --xaml -o export
TypefaceUtil -d C:\Windows\Fonts --png --svg --xaml --zip --zipFile "Windows-Fonts-IconPack.zip"


dotnet build



TypefaceUtil is licensed under the MIT license.