Medical Recovery Services are a debt recovery company in Idaho that has been seeking to jail people for medical debt. These are some scripts to collect and parse Idaho court records for Body of Attachments ( arrest warrants )
requirements for collection:
python2.7 requests bs4 psycopg2
- createdb idaho_supreme_court_records
- psql idaho_supreme_court_records < idaho_supreme_court_records.sql
dropdb $DBNAME
Use the to download the raw html of all links in the links file for a specific company. You will need a valid session cookie. This is more art than science based on network connectivity and how much the idaho court site hates you.
( I'd suggest doing Bannock and Bonneville in a separate Scrape )
Use to find cases with warrants.
Use BOA injest with the BOA.CSV to manually add missing Attachments.
Use cleanup.sql to delete duplicates and mistakes
- for x in ./data/raw/*; do python "$x" ; done \ns;