MULTI-DATA SOURCE MODELING AND INVERSION TOOLKIT MudPy v.1.0 Diego Melgar Department of Earth Sciences University of Oregon A code to run forward models of dislocation sources as well as invert for them with multiple geophysical data types: ** Data types that MudPy can simulate and invert: + Displacement seismograms + Velocity seismograms + Static field vectors + Tsunami waveforms + InSAR line of sight offsets ** MudPy can do: FORWARD MODELING of static point source FORWARD MODELING of static slip distributions FORWARD MODELING of kinematic point sources FORWARD MODELING of kinematic slip distributions INVERSION of a static point source INVERSION of static slip distributions INVERSION of kinematic point sources INVERSION of kinematic slip distributions STOCHASTIC SLIP MODEL generation There are simple examples on the wiki but unfortunately not a whole lot of documentation since I'm still working on this although the code is thoroughly commented. NOTES: Uses fk code from Zhu & Rivera (2002, GJI) for Green functions calculations. This code is bundled here but make sure to refer to the original source for updates. Tsunami inversion relies on Geoclaw ( for caluclation of Green functions