Spring Boot Hello World Application for Dispatch

1 Spring Boot Hello-World application

This app is for demoing CI/CD in Jenkins

1.1 Dispatch Setup

1.1.1 Fork and clone the 2 repos

1.1.2 Add your GitHub and DockerHub user

Edit the Dispatchfile and replace the variable values at the top of the file with your user names for GitHub and DockerHub


// docker_user:: "<YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USERNAME>"
// github_user:: "<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>"

docker_user:: "gregoryg"
github_user:: "gregoryg"

1.1.3 Create namespace used by the application

kubectl create namespace hello-world
kubectl label ns hello-world istio-injection=enabled
kubectl label ns hello-world ca.istio.io/override="true"

1.1.4 Install Dispatch on the cluster

# Do not install if `dispatch` namespace exists
kubectl get ns dispatch
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
    dispatch init --set global.prometheus.enabled=true --set global.prometheus.release=prometheus-kubeaddons --watch-namespace=dispatch

1.1.5 Create credentials for Dispatch

kubectl -n dispatch get serviceaccount dispatch-sa
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
    dispatch serviceaccount create dispatch-sa --namespace dispatch
kubectl -n dispatch get secret dispatch-sa-basic-auth
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
    dispatch login github --user ${GITHUB_USERNAME} --token ${GITHUB_TOKEN} --service-account dispatch-sa --namespace dispatch
docker login
kubectl -n dispatch get secret dispatch-sa-docker-auth
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
    dispatch login docker --service-account dispatch-sa --namespace dispatch
dispatch gitops creds add https://github.com/${GITHUB_USERNAME}/springboot-helloworld-dispatch --username=${GITHUB_USERNAME} --token=${GITHUB_TOKEN} --namespace dispatch

1.1.6 Create CI Repository

This step creates the webhook in the Developers GitHub repository This may also be done in the Dispatch UI!

dispatch ci repository create --service-account dispatch-sa --namespace dispatch

1.1.7 Create the App for CD

dispatch gitops app create springboot-helloworld-dispatch \
         --repository=https://github.com/${GITHUB_USERNAME}/springboot-helloworld-dispatch-gitops \
         --service-account dispatch-sa \
         --namespace dispatch

1.2 Demo changes

Edit index.html template

1.2.1 Bring up the application in a web browser

echo http://$(kubectl -n istio-system get svc istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}')/hello-world-dispatch

2 Notes

2.1 About this document

The script bin/install-springboot-cicd.sh can be generated from this document using M-x org-babel-tangle in Emacs, or running the following command on a system with Emacs installed

emacs --batch --eval "(require 'org)" --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file "README.org")'