With this RESTful application, one can save a value with a set of symbolic tags and then retrieve it using an at least minimal subset of tags identifying the data element. Full CRUD support is provided.
- An explanation of the idea
- Installation
- Usage
- Common problems
- Storage engines
- Metrics & Health check
- Contacts
For example, you have saved the following values in the MKS:
- "ABC" with tags "A", "B" and "C"
- "ADE" with tags "A", "D" and "E"
- "CDE" with tags "C", "D" and "E"
Given that, you may later retrieve "ABC", for instance, using the following unique tag subsets:
- just ["B"] as "B" is a tag that applies only to the "ABC" value of all the values given
- or ["A","C"] as this pair is the pair that applies only to "ABC", too, though both "A" and "C" are tags that apply to multiple values
- or ["A","B"], ["B","C"], or even ["A","B","C"] - they all identify the value definitely, too, though they are not minimal unique tag subsets
To build the library, you'll need a Java SE Development Kit, version 11 or later, and a Maven installation.
To run it, everything is included in the container.
When using the multikey-storage
as a storage supplier for your own project, a recommended way to run an installation of the
is using Docker (https://docker.com).
You'll probably need to install a local Docker registry as described here: https://docs.docker.com/registry/deploying/ . In short, it is as simple as running:
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
In production mode, the container may be run within a Kubernetes (https://kubernetes.io) cluster or anything similar.
Run the following command within the multikey-storage
project folder:
$ mvn clean package docker:run
An item in the storage is pointed to by a unique set of tags. A tag is a non-empty case-sensitive symbolic string that satisfies the following:
- starts with a latin letter
- may contain:
- latin letters
- arabic numbers
- dots
- hyphens
- underscores
- latin letters
- is no longer than 64 symbols
Note that any unexpected symbol in the tag may result in an unexpected behaviour of multikey-storage
A section name is a symbolic string that satisfies the same rules as the tag, except that it may be no longer than 256 symbols
The entry itself may be an arbitrary byte entity. Its type is identified using the Content-Type
HTTP header when it is added or
updated in the storage.
POST /v1/{sectionName}/{tags}
Create or update a stored item identified by its section name and tags. The tag list is delimited by commas ,
The operation blocks all other operations on the storage section identified by the section name. If the storage section does not exist, it is created.
The entry itself is the body of the HTTP request.
The type of the entry is identified using the Content-Type
HTTP header of the request. This type will be set for the item when
it is returned.
Code | Meaning | Suggested way of resolution |
200 | Success | (not needed) |
409 | Conflict when trying to find an item identified by the tags | See "Storage conflicts" below |
500 | Internal error | See "Internal errors" below |
DELETE /v1/{sectionName}/{tags}
DELETE /v1/{sectionName}/{tags}?force=true
Delete an entry identified by its section name and tags. The tag list is delimited by commas ,
The operation blocks all other operations on the storage section identified by the section name. If the storage section does not exist, no operation is run, and .
If the optional force
parameter is set to true
, no multiple-found check will run, all found occurences for the given tag set
will be deleted.
Code | Meaning | Suggested way of resolution |
200 | Success | (not needed) |
409 | Conflict when trying to find an item identified by the tags | See "Storage conflicts" below |
500 | Internal error | See "Internal errors" below |
GET /v1/{sectionName}/{tags}
Get an item identified by its section name and tags. The tag list is delimited by commas ,
Code | Meaning | Suggested way of resolution |
200 | Success | (not needed) |
404 | No item is found for the given tags | Try to check if the item should exist |
409 | Conflict when trying to find an item identified by the tags | See "Storage conflicts" below |
500 | Internal error | See "Internal errors" below |
A storage conflict is a situation when a search is performed on a tag set and multiple items are found that all satisfy that set.
The only general recommendation is to clarify the request by supplying a tag set that identifies an entry in a unique way.
Sometimes it is hard to determine if a storage conflict is provoked when an item is added to the collection. Imagine the following situation:
- The item collection is empty.
- Item A is created with the tags
- the item is successfully created. - Item B is created with the tags
- sub-checks for all subsets of the tag set for the item being created can easily take too long, so sub-checks are not performed, so item B is successfully created too. - Now, item A is inaccessible: trying to get it or update it with tags
returns code 409, asa,b
points both to item A and item B, and no other way to access item A exists ever since!
If the conflict is easy to investigate, you could try deleting item B, that action would make item A visible.
You may also consider the drastic way of resolving the conflict, that is removing all conflicting items. To do it, you may use
request with the generalized tag set that would point to all the items involved in the conflict, with force
request parameter set to true (See "Deleting an item" above).
First, take a look at the application logs. The default log level is INFO
, so the errors and the generally useful information
are included in the log by default. If it is still unclear what the cause of the error is, try setting the log level to
or even TRACE
by setting logging.level.ru.dmerkushov.mkstorage
to the desired level in
. To investigate a complex case, you may also change logging.level.root
or even introduce
special levels for specific packages, but it is not recommended.
It is sometimes useful to filter the log based on the request id included in every log message, in order to see only the log messages related to the request you are investigating.
Every log message is textually unique, so you can easily find the source location where the message comes from. Every exception message in the log comes with a stack trace that will lead you to the exact source location where the exception was thrown.
For more info on log levels, see https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/architecture.html , "Log Levels" section.
Several storage engines are provided (see below).
Engines can be selected using the property mkstorage.storage.engine
in application.yml
, or using the command line parameter,
for example, --mkstorage.storage.engine=jdbc
. Command line parameter takes precedence.
: dummy
The Dummy engine does not provide any function. Every request is "successful".
: memmap
The MemMap engine stores items in a couple of maps in RAM.
: jdbc
The JDBC engine stores items in a JDBC-compliant database. The database is required to support the following SQL92 statements:
- with primary keys and indexes
The database is required to support simultaneous access to data.
The engine is in development. Further information will be added later.
: clickhouse
The ClickHouse engine stores items in a ClickHouse database.
The ClickHouse engine is planned to be developed separately from the JDBC engine, as ClickHouse DB has limited support for the SQL statements required by the JDBC engine.
Metrics are available via a Prometheus (https://prometheus.io/) endpoint /actuator/prometheus
when the application is started.
A common prefix for the multikey-storage
application-specific metrics is storage_
. All metrics are described using the
Prometheus's HELP
Health check is available via /actuator/health
Please feel free to contact the author or even file a pull request to fix a bug or to propose a feature.
I'd like to hear from you via issues at the project's GitHub repo https://github.com/dmerkushov/multikey-storage or via email.
- Dmitriy Merkushov
- Email: d.merkushov(at)gmail.com
- http://dmerkushov.ru