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Concrete Dropout in Julia

Implementation of the Concrete Dropout layer by Y. Gal et al. in Julia with the Deep Learning package Flux.jl.

The notebook example regression_MCDropout.ipynb showcases the usage of Concrete Dropout layers in the context of Bayesian Neural Networks (see this paper).



Add this module as any unregistered Julia package

import Pkg

Adding a Concrete Dropout layer

Then add the layers like any other layers

using Flux
using ConcreteDropoutLayer

channel = 10

model = Chain(
        Conv((3,), channel => 64, relu),
        ConcreteDropout(; dims=(2, 3)), # ConcreteDropout for Conv1D layer
        Dense(6272 => 100, relu),
        ConcreteDropout(), # ConcreteDropout for Dense layer
X = rand(Float32, 100, channel, 258)
output = model(X)

If you want to use Concrete Dropout outside training, e.g., Monte Carlo Dropout, use Flux.testmode!(model, false).


To add the regularization to the loss as proposed in the Concrete Dropout paper use

wr = get_weight_regularizer(n_train, l=1.0f-2, τ=1.0f0) # weight regularization hyperparameter
dr = get_dropout_regularizer(n_train, τ=1.0f0, cross_entropy_loss=false) # dropout hyperparameter

full_loss(model, x, y; kwargs...) = original_loss(model(x), y) + add_CD_regularization(model; kwargs...)


mutable struct ConcreteDropout{F,D,R<:AbstractRNG}
  p_logit::F # logit value of the dropout probability
  dims::D # dimension to which the Dropout is applied
  active::Union{Bool,Nothing} # weather dropout is active or not
  rng::R # rng used for the dropout

Here is a reminder of the typical dims setting depending on the type of previous layer

  • On Dense layer, use dims = : i.e. it acts on all neurons and samples independently
  • On "Conv1D", use dims = (2,3) i.e. it applies Concrete Dropout independently to each feature (channel) and all samples (but it is the same for the first dimension)
  • On "Conv2D", use dims = (3,4)
  • On "Conv3D", use dims = (4,5)


  • Clean regularization   - Ideally, the L2 term should directly be in the optimizer with something like OptimiserChain(WeightDecay(lw/(1-p)), Adam(0.1)). And at each time step, the value of p is adjust!. Or maybe with another normalization, one could get rid of the 1/(1-p).   - The entropy and L2 regularization are handled automatically, i.e., all relevant layers (nested or not) are found quickly and adjusted at every step.
  • Implementation in Lux.jl ?


This code is inspired by the Python (tensorflow/pytorch) implementations of @aurelio-amerio, see his module. Thanks to @ToucheSir for some useful comments.